Sunday Stillness – How to hear God’s gentle whisper

I had a hearing test a few weeks ago. Bottom line – I can’t hear very well. There seems to be a problem with my ear drums not vibrating – so maybe fluid behind my ear drum.
My hearing is the worst when there is other noise around.
I thought about our lives – and all the stimuli that we deal with on a day to day basis. Are we so overloaded with noise that we can’t even hear God speak?
Thinking again about my life – what can cause me to stop listening to God?
I came up with these but I am sure you have different ones:
- working on the computer (my mind focused on the task at hand)
- making meals
- cleaning
- listening to music
- watching a movie
- talking with friends
- errands
- reading a good book
- relating to friends and family
Then I came up with times that I could listen to God:
- driving by myself in my car
- lying in bed in the morning and at night
- on a walk by myself
- waiting for an appointment
- working on a watercolour picture
- during my morning study and prayer time
- stoplights
- grocery lineups
So although we lead busy, active lives we can find the time to listen to God, don’t you think?
We know that God is in all things
but it is much easier to hear Him when we are silent.
Remember Elijah. He didn’t hear God in the wind, or earthquake or fire – but in the gentle whisper.
A hurricane wind ripped through the mountains and shattered the rocks before God, but God wasn’t to be found in the wind; after the wind an earthquake, but God wasn’t in the earthquake; and after the earthquake fire, but God wasn’t in the fire; and after the fire a gentle and quiet whisper (1 Kings 19:11-12, The Message).
Lord, we need to be quiet to really listen to You. Help us find the minutes to slow down and hear Your voice. Show us those moments that will help us relate fully to You. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
For you this Sunday – In the Secret, In the Quiet Place by Andy Park
How to hear God’s gentle whisper. (tweet this)
We know that God is in all things but it is much easier to hear Him when we are silent. (tweet this)
Lord, in the secret in the quiet place I want to know You more. Andy Park. (tweet this)
Today is Sunday Stillness – others join me to link their posts about what God is teaching them. Enjoy.

Thanks Jan. This fine post reiterates principles I’ve known mentally for decades and urges their lessons that I so easily let slip. ~~+~~
Hi Janis, thank you for your lovely post. One of my favourite places to be still and listen to God is in my garden, such a blessing.
Such a great reminder, Jan. When we get busy with our day, it’s so easy to shut Him out. Thank you for once again, hosting Sunday Stillness. Love your artwork.
So many things can distract us today … as in all times – yet we need to hear His gentle voice.
I appreciate your reminder to spend time quietly listening for God’s voice. It’s so easy to get too busy.
May we always hear His still, small voice and not be distracted by the world’s clamor! Thanks for the lovely post & for hosting & God bless.