Sunday Stillness – Is the Root the best part?

A few weeks ago I took the prompt for Creative Tuesdays for a FAIRY TALE TREE and I painted my fairy tale trees.
But I kept thinking about the word “tree”.
I looked at the tree as an analogy of my life.
By planting a firm foundation, getting a big strong root – then I will stand strong in the storms because the roots will hold me. Roots also search out water. And that’s what I do – I search for the life giving water of Jesus, in everything I do.
The leaves and branches represent my life – and storms come, sun shines; sometimes it’s cold, sometimes it’s hot. My leaves are how I get nutrients into my system, which means – Bible study, attending worship, reading and studying His Word. I even thought about the branches that hold the leaves. I think they are my interests and life experiences – holding many leaves where I learn. They could even be the gifts that God gives me.
But I kept coming back to the roots.
Here are my thoughts.
Where are more adventures? – in the roots.
Travelling – roots travel far to find water. This leads to more experiences.
Roots meet other roots – and sometimes forge alliances; other times they have to skirt around the obstruction or find a new path.
My imagination is like the root of a tree – I can go in any direction and for as far as I need to go.
But the roots can’t be seen except for the fruit I produce.
This is the root of my life – my decision to follow Christ.
It is the thing that holds everything together.
And he is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17, ESV).
What is holding your life together? (click to tweet)
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Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request. Janis also is a contributor to Hope Stream Radio. Join her on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
You can find her on Facebook, and Twitter. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.
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Love this post! Thank you so much for sharing this, Janis! Infinite blessing to you, Love! 🙂
A wonderful “rooted” post, Janis. Love the birch trees dotted with colors. 🙂
I see and focus on trees here… and HOPE to have trees in heaven. I watch and enjoy and enjoy. Thank you.
Yes Joanne,
They are certainly a wonderful part of God’s creation – to live in and learn from.
Great insights, Janis. I really like your last insight about the roots being unseen except for the fruit they produce. That’s so important to remember when I’m feeling unproductive. If I’m working on deepening my roots, eventually the fruit will be produced. Thanks for the inspiration and linkup, my friend!
That’s so true. Sometimes I wonder what am I doing? But I keep trusting in the Lord,feeding my spirit and hopefully the plan He has will come out someday. lol:) I am sure that there are things we say and do that we have no idea of the consequences in the whole plan of things. Praying for a good crop for both of us.
Is the picture your fairytale trees? Beautiful. I love the colors, and the shape the trunks make in the composition… I also love how you think about God in every aspect of your life – how you consider the trees theologically. And here’s the funny thing – roots are normally hidden underground, but from those hidden roots (from our deep belief and faith) come the trunks and leaves and even fruits and flowers. Nice.
In answer to your question – no, my fairytale trees are found in Creative Tuesdays’ post. But I guess they could have been used too. I had painted this painting at a workshop many years ago. I went through some of my paintings and found this one. There are errors in shadows but I guess to call it fairytale trees would be great. Thanks. I have been thinking of my roots all week. Am I watering them well.
Janis, I love these trees! And your thoughts on roots. Wonderful food for thought today.
Thank you for the compliment. Food from the roots. Like that too.
How perfect Janis….your analogy and your painting!
Thank you kindly. I am so glad you enjoyed it.
Janis, I love what you have shared about the roots. May we tend to our roots each day so that our lives bear fruit. Wonderful reminder today.
Now you made me think – tending to our roots. How do we do that? Sometimes plants have to be repotted in order to grow better; sometimes the soil gets very dry and hard and we need to add water and loosen the hard soil; other plants may get in the way of the growth of the roots. Lots to think about and bring into another analogy – right?
I’ve always loved how God uses trees as an analogy for our lives. I want to be deeply rooted!
Isn’t it wonderful that we can read and remember what’s important to us? I too want to continue to grow my roots deeper and deeper.
I love this water color! Reminds me of birch trees in the woods when I was a child. Praise God that our roots are in Him, so that we can be like trees planted by the Living Water! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
Thank for for the compliment on the watercolour. It is a very early one – that I didn’t like until I looked at it again. I did it in a workshop many years ago. As I looked for a tree picture it seemed to say “pick me”. It will always remind me of my roots in Christ now.
We do have to keep coming back to our roots.
“Rooted and grounded in love, that we may be able to comprehend with all the saints what is the width and length and depth and height; to know the love of Christ which passes knowledge that we may be filled with all the fullness of God.”
Good reminder for the weekend.
Thank you, Janis.
Lovely quote. Yes that’s why I write and read – to keep grounded in His Word – the foundation for life.