Sunday Stillness – What To Do with So Many Ideas
The photo above is to show the number of ideas I could have in one day.
My problem is never boredom. My problem is always what do I do next.
Does anyone else feel that way?
I have lists for lists. I am trying to learn more about making my blog more professional and set up properly. But that means many hours studying. I know it will be worth it but then again I learn, I do something and mess something else up. For instance, blog categories. I heard that we should only have 10. Well I had far over that number. I decided to delete some categories. But I became hyper focused and deleted a couple I shouldn’t have delete. Yikes – what a time trying to redo them.
But no matter what I do, I have not become stressed. No matter what happens – new ideas, old ones – I know that my primary goal is Christ. Am I where God wants me to be?
The only way I can be sure that I am on the right track with Jesus,
is to spend time with Him.
To that end I want to dedicate my early mornings to Him. At least I am trying to dedicate that time to Him. Lately I have been backsliding in order to do other tasks. I need to remake that promise. Do you make promises? Do you keep them?
I promise to try to devote at least 1/2 hour to study and prayer in the morning.
I know that Jesus altered my mainspring. He can do the same to yours if you give him the time and space.
Reading AW Tozer for my Bible Study this week – The Knowledge of the Holy. Wow! Being grateful to know Jesus, so the awesomeness of God has become real to me. Tozer talks about the fear of the Lord. I see fear, not as being afraid to move or live , but to live and move respectfully remembering Who God is, in every moment of my being.
I see fear of God is to live and move respectfully
remembering Who God is, in every moment of our being.
The only way I can be sure that I am on the right track with Jesus,
is to spend time with Him.
Today is Sunday Stillness
– Let’s take this day and find time to be still before the Lord.
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request. Janis also is a contributor to Hope Stream Radio. Join her on Tuesdays and Saturdays.
You can find her on Facebook, and Twitter. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.
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Janis, you sound exactly like me. So many new and creative ideas for my blog, yet I lack the ability to actually do it all. Anyway, great post, sweet friend! Thanks for sharing! GOD bless you, Love! 🙂
I knew it! We have more in common. Creative ideas in the middle of the night – then I forget them. Ideas that I think about but forget to write down. But still other ideas that I have started but not finished. And I can’t do it all but what can I do? Still praying.
I know exactly what you mean. Keep praying, Love! I stand in agreement with you.
I used to do my own blog designs and finally had someone do it for me. Now, I too, would like to make some more professional type changes, but it’s past my ability and pocketbook at this time. I love your new blog photo by the way. And thank you for hosting!
I am thinking of getting a new template but need lots of prayer for this. And I need to figure out a new header to show I’m a writer, author and painter. Not easy and I am going to start prayer – being specific – to figure this out.
Oh my goodness, Janis, I could’ve written this! Have you been in my head??? Funny, I really don’t get writer’s block because I have so much to say and not enough time to write it all! And the thing with the blog–I completely get that! Ultimately, as you say, if our focus is on Christ, none of it really matters anyway, so their’s nothing to stress over!
Welcome to my head and yours. 🙂 But we do need to remember that God is in charge and He will open doors, teach us, and give us the focus we need if we ask Him to.
Thanks so much for hosting each week! I love the statement “The only way I can be sure that I am on the right track with Jesus, is to spend time with Him.”. I am going to try to retweet it!
I hope you were able to retweet my statement. Thanks,
Oh, Janis, I can definitely relate to the “so many ideas” theme. There is no way I could possibly carry them all out, but God will give me wisdom as I stop to spend time with Him. Earlier this year I had planned to take several times during the day to stop and pray and I’ve really gotten slack about it. You encourage me to try again and to make that time with the Lord priority. I do pray all throughout the day, but I want to take some time to pray more specifically and in depth. Blessings to you this day and throughout the week!
Oh I know what you mean- there is no way I can do all that is rumbling around in my head. I think that is exactly what I need too – to pray specifically and get an answer before plowing ahead. Thanks for that.
Thank you for hosting!
Janis, I can sure relate to this post. Michele is right: So many ideas, so little time. Thank you for reminding me I’m not alone. And I agree we must keep our daily date with the Lord, otherwise we’ll be wasting the time we do have.
Blessings ~ Wendy
I think that’s the problem with us – we are so alike. So we need to help one another keep the focus that God wants us on. I don’t want to waste any time.
So many ideas, so little time. I certainly can hear your wheels turning as I read your words this evening! I’m also trying to bring things into focus with my writing, which means that I need to spend more time praying, less time spinning wheels.
Blessings, Janis. Always good to connect with you here.
Can you really hear the wheels grinding? They are rather squeaky. Praying that you can focus by praying and keep doing but with an aim that God desires.