An Aficionado of God
by Jan Cox
There were some things in my life that pulled me away from following God’s plan. As I spoke last week about my positive passions I believe that they are in line with Scripture and the Holy Spirit. I continue to pray that this is so and for God to show me if I need to change course.
Have I been an aficionado of something that did not line up with God’s plan? YES. And not just one thing. I will give you one example. I used to spend too much time watching television.
Whenever I had no energy and “nothing to do” I would turn on the TV. I could watch one program after the other and not even be mindful of the time. Once I realized that this was a killer of my time, I turned it off for good and said: “no more TV” – Now I have more time and more energy for my other pursuits.
I thought of what I had missed while watching the numbing shows:
- Relationships
- Writing
- Painting
- Reading
- Exercise
- Prayer
- Piano
To me being an aficionado of the TV was a bad thing.
I know that God led me to say no to TV. I know He gave me the ability to turn away from it.
Pursuits – when people say they have no time – I ask how they use their time. Motivation – what motivates you?
Can you see that you might be an aficionado of something that is not pleasing to God? Ask God to reveal it to you.
God has revealed to me a new robber of my time – the computer.
I am still working and praying about this one. The computer has its uses but I don’t want it to “use” me. Email and Facebook – take time. Some of it is worthwhile – some not.
I am praying for God to help me find a balance between reading, writing and building relationships on the computer.
I am seeking to know and asking God for help to mold me into an aficionado of Him. If I start with that then He will allow my other loves to be used to shine His light.
“But the man who loves God is known by God” (I Corinthians 8:3 NIV).
Lord, I want my life to shine for You. Help me to use my time wisely, to use my passion for Your purposes. Guide me so I can focus on being an aficionado of You, so You are my all in all. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Wishing everyone a Merry Christmas.
My Gratitude List for this week: Counting to 1000 – at 807
- chicken bacon and eggs with cheese made by my hubby for lunch – an unexpected surprise – YUM
- Wayne’s first drive after his accident
- finished and mailed Christmas cards in time for Christmas
- packing to go home
- sunshine came out in time for Wayne to have last hot tub before heading home
- able to get all my posts up before we head home for the holidays
- excited about time with family
- art class – painted a bird and started a fish
- Christ’s birth – praise the Lord
- “whatever is true, noble, just, pure, admirable, if anything is excellent or praiseworthy, think about these things” (Philippians 4:8)
Jan Cox
Jan, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. She also writes at A Better Way. Jan is working on a couple children’s books in which she is also the watercolour illustrator.