6 Thoughts for New Christian Writers – Blog Hop

6 Thoughts for New Christian Writers – Blog Hop

Fourth in a series of a Writers Blog Hop held by Ruth Snyder. 

Our first blog hop can be found at Ruth Snyder. for 2014. Writing Goals.

Our second blog hop can be found here. Writing Tools.

Click here for the third blog hop on the topic. Hero.

Blog Hop -4

Today’s post is Advice for new writers. Click here to read more posts.

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6 Thoughts for New Christian Writers


1. Always put God first.

I know as Christians we say this but … do we really do it? Whenever you are ready to put words on paper, centre yourself with Jesus. And expect Him to help you.

Jesus said:

And surely I am with you always, to the very end of the age (Matthew 28:20, NIV).

2. Write for God.

No matter what type of writing you are doing write for God. Don’t write anything that would offend Him or upset Him. Don’t worry about what other people will think or say. They cannot harm you. Don’t look for praise from other people. Write for One alone. If you blog don’t count the hits or the comments – this can be destructive.

May these words of my mouth and this meditation of my heart
be pleasing in your sight,
Lord, my Rock and my Redeemer (Psalm 19:14, NIV).

3. Write from your heart and your experience.

Take situations and memories and make them come alive to explain a truth about God. Be real. This is especially true if you write Christian devotionals.

You are what you write ~ Helvy Tiana Rosa 

4. Learn as much as you can.

Writers’ conferences are great places to learn about writing and connect. The Word Guild puts on a conference in Guelph called Write! Canada and Inscribe Writers’ Fellowship puts on a conference in the fall.

Join a small writers’ group. Encouragement and critiques in your writing will help you to enjoy what you do and improve.

Join writers’ groups. I belong to The Word Guild, Inscribe Writers Fellowship and the American Christian Writers.

5. Write all the time. And read too.

Start a daily journal to express your thoughts, write your prayers, study God’s Word and study other good Christian non-fiction books. Some of my favourite devotionals are:

The Upper Room
My Daily Bread
Oswald Chambers – My Utmost for His Highest
Grace Notes – Philip Yancey
Jesus Calling by Sarah Young

Three of my favourite blogs are:

A Holy Experience by Ann Voskamp
Margaret Feinberg

So reading and writing go hand in hand. Certainly if you want to write for a certain publication read and study that publication.

6. Network with other writers.

Be sure to seek out other writers – not just to learn as in number 5 but to become friends. Friends help each other out, through prayer, knowledge and comfort. You need that when you write.

Writing is a solitary experience so we need to reach out to others to broaden our horizons.


Writing is a solitary experience so we need to reach out to others to broaden our horizons. (tweet this)

6 Thoughts for New Christian Writers. (tweet this)

Don’t forget to read other blogs on the same topic.

Ruth Snyder’s Blog Hop Number 4.




  1. You have given us some great advice, and your artwork is a visual treat. I especially like your caution to not be concerned with what others think but to write for the One who called us. Thank you!

    1. Kathleen,
      Thanks for the encouragement. I like the verse in Philippians – do not be anxious about anything but in everything give your requests to God – if we would only remember that each minute of each day – peace would flow abundantly.

    1. Susan,
      I believe it is vital for us as Christians to go to the Source – and He is the way, the truth and the life – so let’s start where we can be fed. Thanks for dropping by.

  2. Janis, your first point is vital. Without God we wouldn’t have a writing talent. He should always come first. But I must say, I’m guilty of not putting Him first. When i set up my first blog in 2011 I was so excited that I forgot about God. Well, I didn’t completely forget about Him. But I wasn’t putting Him first.

    But I commit everything to Him during prayers when I wake up in the mornings now. I ask God to take control. And I try to keep focused on Him. I may not be getting it right 100%, but I’m aware of what I need to do.

    I like your list. It’s really useful, especially points 4, 5 and 6. Thanks for sharing.

    1. June,
      Thank you so much. I don’t always do what I say – I too know that I need to do it – but I get caught up in the task. Working on this.

    1. Sara,
      Thanks – I guess I could add one more. When you get to where you like what you wrote – get it edited – Sara Davison is a terrific editor.

  3. Though I am not Christian, I agree that it is of primary importance to put the Higher Power first. All acts of creativity come from the Source, regardless of the religion you practice or the terminology you use to describe the Divine.

    1. I O – would love to know your real name. LOL:) If you believe in the Source of life then we agree. God speaks to us and we need to listen.
      Thanks for dropping over,

  4. These are great tips! 4, 5, and 6 are similar to what I listed. 🙂 I agree too that putting God first is important. During my teens, I noticed that my writing was much more productive and creative when I had a regular quiet time with God, reading my Bible and praying. 🙂

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