What Writing Tools Do You Use?
Second in the series of a Writers Blog Hop held by Ruth Snyder.
Our first blog hop can be found at Ruth Snyder. Here we were asked our writing goals for 2014.
Our second blog hop can be found here.
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I am very old fashioned when it comes to my writing. I sit in an easy chair, under a good light. I have a snack, hot tea and a glass of water beside me.
Then I open my Bible, a devotional or a good Christian book. After reading each book something usually triggers a response and I write it down by hand in my paper journal. Many times these thought turn into posts on the spot. Sometimes I go back to my journal and write from the prompts I have jotted down.
I haven’t joined the Scrivener (a writers’ program for the computer) fan club, or other writing programs. I tried Evernote and just didn’t see the point. I just can’t connect as well to my thoughts without a pen in my hand. But that is not to say that they won’t work for you, so I have given the links.
Even as I write this blog post I am writing in my notebook first.
There have been exceptions. When I wrote for 5 minute Fridays, I would type directly into my blog post.
So my tools to write: PEN and PAPER
Once I have my thoughts down on paper, I either transfer to my blog, editing as I type, or write in Word, once again editing as I go.
Recently I have decided to switch from Word to Pages (on my MAC) because it allows me to save directly into an epub format. Therefore creating an ebook will be easier. That will save a tremendous amount of time.
I can’t wait to read what other writers will be saying in their blog post.
http://wp.me/p2yfqH-1fA Join me on a Blog Hop with Ruth Synder @wwjdr #ICwriters. Today – What Writing Tools Do You Use? (Click to Tweet)
Click on the Blog Hop to see how other writers answer this question.

Pen and paper, huh? It’s been a long time since I went that way. In high school, I wrote a novel in notebooks. But, now that computers are readily available, I don’t go any other way. I type so much faster than I can write long hand.
I type and write about the same speed – actually I never tested that.. mmm but I think better with a pen and my Bible.. I just love the feel of the paper – and even though I have an IPAD I love the feel of a book. OLD – I guess. I don’t like typing on the IPAD or phone. I do like my MAC though.
Everything aches after a while at the computer and I happily sketch outlines for scenes on a journal. There seems to be an extra flow from thought to pen, I find.
Yes i am happy I am not on my computer more than I am now.
Janis, it’s great to be led by the Holy Spirit for inspiration. I need to do that more often. There’s so much in the bible. In fact, it’s full of wisdom and ideas.
Thanks for sharing your writing tools. God bless. 🙂
Thanks for stopping by. I find my Bible and a good devotional makes me closer to God each morning.
I’m a pen and paper gal all the way too–but since the world is snuggling up to technology–at some point we have to take part, don’t we? I am thinking Mac too, but it is a new learning curve isn’t it??
I love my mac. Not too hard really. I can help. Right now on a cell phone. Now that is hard. Thanks for writing.
I love the diversity I’m seeing in all these posts! Gives us all new ideas we might consider trying!
Ah, a kindred spirit in the keeping-it-simple department. Except that I do have to admit I am incapable of writing with pen and paper. My hand gets tired, i can’t delete, cut, copy or paste, and my thoughts flow faster than my fingers can move. Otherwise, I’m completely with you. And the beautiful and inspiring words and pictures you produce are argument enough for your method, so don’t worry about making changes any time soon.
I still have Windows, but when my computer dies next time, it’s gonna be a Mac 🙂
Definitely a MAC is the best investment I ever made. I hope to get a new one soon.
pen and paper is still awesome – I keep a journal and basically use it for prayers etc. I need the efficiency of a computer, though, too!
You write fiction books – I think that is different than devotionals – so yes I might be using a computer if a fiction story hits me.
I’m pretty old-school in the pen-and-paper department too. You should see the scribbled first drafts of the devos I write–it’s amazing I can even read them. Someday maybe I’ll learn to compose on the keyboard.
My notes are pretty clear to read – not too much scribbled out. When I start with an idea it seems to flow. But before that there are many quotes and Scriptures that have stimulated my thinking plus the Holy Spirit.
Thanks, Janis. I can picture you snuggled into your cozy chair, writing this post. I love that you’re keeping things so simple.
Thanks so much. Yes I miss my chair at the moment. I am babysitting back in Canada – but on Sunday I shall return .
I wrote my first novel (more than 160K…very long) longhand in notebooks while sitting beside my sleeping baby. It was very freeing, but at the same time it was a bear to enter into the computer later.
Though I use a computer to do my writing now, I still have to outline and take notes in a spiral notebook.
Leanne Ross ( readfaced.wordpress.com )
I guess I haven’t written a large “book” yet and maybe when and if that time comes I may resort to the computer. But I really like the feel of the pen – I do. And my thoughts come to me during that quiet God and me time. Oh well – whatever happens will happen. Ask me this question in 10 years. Thanks for commenting.
Janis, Thanks for sharing how you write. I find it interesting to see the variety in methods amongst writers. God created us each unique and we need to embrace that and do what works for us.
That’s so true Ruth. Whatever makes us write – that is what is important.