A Round up of Prayer Posts
While I am on a one month blogging holiday I thought I would leave you with a round-up of most read posts from Under the Cover of Prayer in the past year. I am taking off the comments but anytime you need to reach me please email Under the Cover of Prayer. I hope you enjoy these:
Peace by Janis Cox
At our church we have a song we sing at the end of most services called “Go Now in Peace”. That is so important – to remain at peace – even in the middle of a storm. Read More.
How Do I Pray When Words Fail? by Mark D. Roberts
“O LORD, hear me as I pray; pay attention to my groaning” (Psalm 5:1 NLT).
What is prayer?
The most basic answer says that prayer is talking to God. Sometimes we talk to God through singing. Sometimes we talk silently with words that are not actually expressed. But, for most of us, most of the time, prayer is talking to God. Read more
How Can We Learn from the First Prayer in the Bible? Ron Hughes
If you accept the idea that prayer is a conversation with God, the first prayer recorded in the Bible is found in Genesis. The context suggests that human/divine interaction “in the cool of the day” was a regular feature of life in Eden. Read more.
A round up #UTCOP prayer posts. @markdroberts @ronhugheswrites @authorjaniscox (tweet this)
How do I pray when words fail? @markdroberts (tweet this)
What can we learn from the first prayer in the Bible? @ronhugheswrites (tweet this)
What is prayer? @markdroberts (tweet this)