A Simple Prayer
by Stephanie Nickel
I have many joyful memories of Christmases as a child. The Scotch pine Daddy would cut was always too tall. He’d shove it back through the narrow doorway and saw more from the bottom – and sometimes the top as well. He’d then bring it back in and secure it in the stand, often after quite a battle. He’d string the lights. And then it was our turn. Add the ornaments and the candy canes. Hang the tinsel oh-so-carefully, a strand or two at a time. Stand back and admire the work.
More decorating inside and out. Mom’s holiday baking. Such wonderful sights and smells.
Christmas morning would come, and I’d pop out of bed long before the sun was up. Sometimes, Mom and Daddy had crawled in only a few hours earlier. They would stay up late wrapping the abundance of presents. Yes, I was spoiled, for sure. My stocking often had to be placed on the couch because it was too heavy to hang by a thumbtack on the wall. We didn’t have a chimney or a fireplace.
My Christmas celebrations have changed over the years, but there are still plenty of distractions. Therefore, it is so very important that we remember what this season is really all about. The following Cinquain poem is a simple prayer, but it can make all the difference.
Dear Lord, help us
Always to remember
The true meaning of this season
Your Son.
Stephanie Nickel
Stephanie is a wife of over 28 years and has three grown children. She is eclectically interested, to say the least. Among her current pursuits are co-authoring Deb Willows’ autobiography; freelance editing; and keeping up with a number of blogs. Stephanie is a member of The Word Guild and works on “Write! On,” the news bulletin for guild members. To read more of her poetry, visit Free2Soar.