Peace – Can I Find it?
by Jan Cox
We had a major decision to make in the past few weeks. I prayed … and prayed. I read the Bible and prayed this Scripture:
“Do not be anxious about anything, but in everything, by prayer and petition, with thanksgiving, present your requests to God.
And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus” (Philippians 4:6-7 NIV).
I know that when I pray a peace will immediately come over me even when a solution has not appeared. I sought His peace.
“Because by our crying out to God and unloading our cares and burdens on Him, He is assured of (and we are reminded of) our dependence on Him. And that is His priority; that is what pleases Him” (page 186, The Wonderful Spirit Filled Life, Charles Stanley).
So – back to our big decision. I had not had peace about this for a long time even though I felt peace when I prayed – this decision did not bring me peace. It just didn’t seem we should be doing this at this time. All the signs, though, pointed to it being perfect. Everyone said, – yes that’s great. Go for it!
I kept praying – knowing the deadline was at hand. Finally I approached my husband with my unrest. He agreed – on the spot – that we should not take that step.
PEACE unfolded immediately.
“It is that much more important for us to develop moment-by-moment sensitivity to the presence or absence of God’s peace in our lives” (page 187, Charles Stanley).
I was filled with PEACE over this decision. I know it is the right one. I LISTENED to the Holy Spirit.
Has God spoken to you through the Holy Spirit? Did you listen? Did you obey? Did you find peace?
Write me at Under the Cover of Prayer and tell me about your listening to the Holy Spirit or visit our Facebook Community and make a comment.
Thank You God for Your Holy Spirit. As I come to know the Holy Spirit better and better I know You – and what You want me to do. Help me to continue to listen – to take the time to really listen to You. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
My Gratitude List for this week: I’m at 784.
- My email connection with my Bible study group in Canada
- Remembering the steps in one tap dance for A Wink and a Smile
- Keeping in touch with others through Facebook
- Wayne is well enough to go shopping
- Excitement and anticipation of a Christmas get-together with family
- Just a lovely peaceful happy day
- Being able to pray for many things – the world, family, my groups and friends
- Helped an older gentleman up the curb at Walmart
- Smiled at the Salvation Army ringers
- “growing in the knowledge of God”
- Wayne is healing well from his accident
- A phone call from my daughter
- An angel ready to go up on the roof – heralding the coming of our Saviour
- A talk about God in the hot tub
- Growing friendship with someone
- Food – abundant food with so many choices
- A ½ hour massage for Wayne and now he can turn his neck
- Listening to Your voice, Lord, and walking out of my comfort zone
- Praying for what we can give Jesus for His birthday
- Practicing speaking in French while in the steam room
- Beautiful walking weather
- Found a warm coat with a hood for cold mornings
- Opportunities to listen to God
Jan Cox
Jan, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. She also writes at A Better Way. Jan is working on a couple children’s books in which she is also the watercolour illustrator.