Christian Authors offer Black Friday Deals
Black Friday Deals are finished. You can still buy Tadeo Kindle for $2.99 and Tadeo is $13.00 plus shipping.
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Kindle edition is available for $2.99
Black Friday Deals:
A new price for Tadeo Turtle on Kindle – now $2.99. Check it out.
You can find out other sale opportunities for other Christian books at Black Friday Specials.
See more on Black Friday Deals at Facebook.
PLUS Two Free Gifts
– A Watercolour Batik Card (for my personal website orders only) and an e-book called Living Life – One Word at a Time – Sample Chapter.
Get a special book for a special child. – TADEO TURTLE
Tadeo, pronounced TAHD-ay-OH, comes from the name Thaddeus, which means “heart” or “praise.”
Tadeo befriends an energetic squirrel and longs to be able to run and climb like his friend.
In a dream, Tadeo loses his shell and enjoys his new freedom–until a large hungry cat appears and mistakes Tadeo for a rat. Will Tadeo escape unharmed? When Tadeo awakes from his dream, his response proves he is aptly named.
Tadeo Turtle won the Best Children’s Book for 2013 by The Word Awards in Canada.
From November 28 at 7pm CST until December 3rd at midnight MST – Tadeo Turtle is available for $10.00 with a special gift of a Watercolour Batik Print Card for those who order directly from my website and also a free e-book.
Your choice of card – each comes with an envelope and is wrapped in a plastic sleeve.
Tadeo Turtle – Price for the book is $10.00 plus $2.50 for shipping for those in Canada and the United States.
I will sign each book with the information you provide. Please also tell me which card you wish, the butterfly, the forest or the hummingbird.
And don’t forget you can obtain a free curriculum for Tadeo Turtle if you ask.
You can purchase from me online by clicking on the Paypal button. (or use a credit card once you click the Paypal button).
Also you may ask for a download of a chapter from my new book of devotionals called Living Life – One Word at a Time. It is available as an e-book.
If you want to order from other retailers please send me the proof of purchase and you can still receive the e-book offering.
Here are other retailers –
To listen to the story go to Tadeo Turtle Live.
To read reviews go to Reviews of Tadeo Turtle
Also – new price of Tadeo Turtle on Kindle – available for only $2.99
#holidaysavings Tadeo turtle plus gift #blackfriday
Hello friend,
You are truly talented and I’m happy to be in your company for some parts of the year.
Donna L
So nice to have you visit me here Donna. I am happy to have been led to the Bible Babes. Learning more and more.
Hi Janis
Now I know that this brave, little turtle is about. Your art work is also besutiful. I would love to buy this book from you sometime, but at the moment our rand is extremely weak against your dollar.
Blessings XX
Thanks so much Mia. My Kindle edition is only $2.99.