What is the Power of Jesus?
by Janis Cox
When I was younger I did not fully understand Who Jesus is. I remember one thing that stood out from attending church in those years – as our minister said the Lord’s Prayer he emphasized the word “power” in the last words of the prayer.
For thine is the kingdom, and the power, and the glory, for ever (Matthew 6:13, KJV). [the emphasis is mine]
My minister would always accentuate that word – POWER. As he did that I felt something – yes I knew that this was an important fact. But I didn’t understand it. I didn’t understand it until I understood Who Jesus is.
It took another twenty-five years for me to ask and for Jesus to reveal Himself to me. And He showed me His Power. And He keeps showing me His Power.
Now I understand. Now I realize what God did on the Cross through the death of His Son.
God brought His power to earth by Jesus’ death & resurrection & the release of the Holy Spirit. (tweetable)
God’s Power is here – now. That is why we see miracles. That is why we have strength in our weakest moments. That is why we can have joy in our saddest times.
This is the Power of God, through Jesus and through the Holy Spirit. Love, hope and faith – all wound up in One.
Jesus is our Connector to God.
When we preach the Cross, the energy of God is released (Oswald Chambers, November 25).
If you’re going to blow a horn, blow a trumpet for God (1 Corinthians 1:31, The Message).
So let us continue to pray in His Name – the Author and Perfecter of our faith.
Father, oh we so want to think we can do it. We apologize for such “stinking” thinking. Instead we reach out and call on Your Name and Your power to be here in our world. We thank You, Jesus, Who let the Power of the Holy Spirit be unleashed here on earth. Come, Lord Jesus, come. We pray as always in Your Name, Jesus. AMEN.
Janis Cox
Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. A writer since 2003, Janis co-ordinates a group blog called Under the Cover of Prayer. She is also a contributor to a group blog called Family and Faith Matters.
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. For more information visit Janis on her website He Cares for You. She is a member of The Word Guild andInscribe Writers Fellowship.
Related articles
- Five Ways For Stronger Prayers (underthecoverofprayer.wordpress.com)
- How There is Power in Scripture (underthecoverofprayer.wordpress.com)
- Is the Channel Open? (underthecoverofprayer.wordpress.com)

His Power is here. Right here. With us and right now. Always. Praise the LORD. Glad I have you for a neighbor at The Wellspring today for I cams by to read words that I so needed to read and delve into.
Dear Janis
What amazes and fills me with so much gratitude is that despite His great power, God limited Himself and put Himself on our human level, because of His great love.
Blessings XX
Yes Mia,
The upside world. He with power decided to lower Himself to have a relationship with us. Praise the Lord, Amen.
Loved this post. I like the other two blogs you do as well. Would love to be a part of. God Bless
Thanks so much Angie,
I hope you do become a part of our team.
Thanks Susan,
Love the prayer, Jan. Blessings.
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