Creative Saturdays – Lots of Neat Links for Crafts for Christmas
I took a look on the web this week and found wonderful creative crafts for children for this Christmas season.
Here is my selection for this week:
Christmas Crafts from Activity Village – Here are just a few.
Homeschooled Kids Christmas Crafts – Keeping it All about Jesus
Life in Skunk Hollow – Jesse Tree Ornaments
When doing activities with children I would let the kids use their imaginations and don’t get stuff on product.
Please check out more about my book Tadeo Turtle on Tadeo’s Page. You will find more activities at the back of my book. And a 24-page curriculum is available if you ask.
For this weekend until Monday December 3rd – Black Friday Special Deal for Tadeo Turtle
You can use a credit card when you click on the PayPal Icon – you don’t have to use PayPal.
Please visit the special page to get the correct price. Do not use the LINK on this page.
Black Friday Deals for Tadeo Turtle
Looks like some great activities! Thank you for sharing at Sharing Saturday!!