Sunday Stillness – Web of Dependence
Depend on Me says the Lord.
Yes we need to place our whole trust, our whole life in Him, Who gives us life.
The quote in the picture is found in Yancey’s book Prayer: Does it Make Any Difference?
I live in a web of dependence, the centre of which is God in whom all things hold together.
I love this Scripture on which Philip Yancey based his statement.
He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Colossians 1:17, NIV).
He was there before any of it came into existence and holds it all together right up to this moment (Colossians 1:17, The Message).
So God has it all under control. I keep telling myself that. And the more I say it, the more I can believe it and see it in action.
I write at Under the Cover of Prayer #UTCOP every Friday. I hope you join me there.
Today is Sunday Stillness – be still before Him.
Stop and feel His touch.
Do you have a Scripture that spoke to you this week? Please link below. If you post to Twitter use #sundaystillness and @authorjaniscox.
Feel free to pin the picture. Follow me at AuthorJanisCox on Pinterest.
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I would appreciate if you would link only about God’s Word. If you have a linky party that’s okay if it is about the same thing. Please no sales or prizes. I want this to be friendly but I must ask you to abide by the rules. Others want to read God’s Word – and that is what I would like the links to be about. I must take down the links that don’t follow the rules. Thanks so much.
Please check out all the places I link to during the week. Thanks to everyone who has joined Sunday Stillness. I do try to get to your posts every week but I admit sometimes I don’t have the time.
Here are my favourite links for Sunday Stillness:

I really love that picture!! It is so colorful and “grabby”. Haven’t read Yancey for years, but know he has touched many. Good combo. Thanks, Janis.
Love this quote & photo! Praise God that He is the Sustainer Who holds all things together! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
Janis…what a wonderful reminder that we are not in control and that He is!! Thank you for that encouragement today. And for the link up. Have a blessed day.
Dear Janis
I am a great admirer of the writings of Phiilip Yancey and saw this new book in the shops. Yes, dear friend, Jesus has all authority and power and still, loving Him is our choice and He never forces Himself on anyone. Love is free, but also all encompassing. But when we learn to abide in Him, there is no place where we would rather be.
Blessings XX