Can I Dare You? Week 4
As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. A wonderful week searching and looking. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
January 21 ~ A Gift in Sky, Water and Memory


January 22 ~ A Gift wrinkled, smoothed, unfolded

January 23 ~ 3 Gifts found in Christ
- Gift of Eternal Life – Romans 6:23 “For the wages of sin is death,but the gift of God is eternal life in Christ Jesus our Lord.”
- Freedom to be me, not to look to others but only to God – Psalm 20:7 “Some trust in chariots and some in horses, but we trust in the name of the Lord our God.”
- Peace in all situations – Philippians 4:7 “And the peace of God, which transcends all understanding, will guard your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.”
January 24 ~ 3 Things blue

- blue moon – I saw one; second moon in the month is called a Blue Moon
January 25 ~ A Grace borrowed, found and inherited
- borrowed: a car ride to a great leadership conference
- found: more women in love with Jesus and wanting to help others become leaders for Christ
- inherited: my love of God and the love of my Bible from my Grandpa Read (my Dad’s father)
January 26 ~ A Gift before dawn, after noon, after dark
- before dawn: an awesome sleep after the conference
- afternoon: drove to an olive mill to buy excellent olive oil and yummy olives
- after dark: wonderful tap dance dinner and fellowship
January 27 ~ 3 Gifts in the kitchen
- my hubby who has always done the dishes – bless him
- a lot of light to see to work in the kitchen
If you are counting gifts – please put your link in your comment.

I’m always blessed by your blessings :). I love the picture of you and your mom–and the one of her later. A beautiful lady.
Thank you so much. Yes my mom was a great lady – 94 years old when she died last year. Sweet to the very end to everyone she met. Remembered every name of the people who cared for her. I cherish that picture of me when I was little with her. There are not too many pictures back then.
Oh what a precious post! You & your mom. How wonderful. It made me thank God that my mother is just a phone call away!
And a husband that does the dishes!!??? Now that is a GREAT GIFT~! lol!
Thanks for dropping by. Yes I do miss my Mom – a little emptiness in a spot of my heart.
Just so you know I read your blogs & posts that pic of your mom and you is awesome. Sheryl looks so much like your mom.
Miss you
Hey Lynne,
So good to have you comment. Thank you. Yes I found that picture on my computer. It is from the book we gave Mom on her 90th birthday. I will have to take a look and see if I can see Sheryl. Miss you, too.