Can I Joy Dare You?
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As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. A wonderful week searching and looking. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
April 22 ~3 gifts close
April 23 ~3 gifts reflecting
April 24 ~ 3 gifts fragile
- balloons we used at Bible study. We popped one balloon (the one with all the strains and cares of the world).
- raindrops hanging from the tree
- fragility of life -” Can any one of you by worrying add a single hour to your life” (Matthew 6:27, NIV)?
April 25 ~gifts of cloth, steel and wood
- sheets on my bed
- a vehicle to drive
- my husband who works with wood
April 26 ~ 3 gifts moving
- coming back home from Arizona
- furniture to make room for my family’s arrival
- at a concert – I love to move to the music
April 27 ~ 3 gifts ugly- beautiful
- waking up to a morning of dull rain – but it turner warmer
- watching the brown dullness of spring come alive with life
- a wet dog
April 28 ~ 3 gifts orange
So lovely Jan,
Thanks for sharing
Thank you so much.