Can I Joy Dare You? Week 27 and 28
Butterfly Batik Watercolour by Janis Cox
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As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
I had a wonderful Sabbath rest this past week. Energy abounded during my VBS – thank You, Lord.
So here goes for the past 2 weeks – gifts of:
July 3 ~ faith, family, freedom
- faith: great opportunity to pray and worship while driving to a meeting
- family: knowledge that God watches over our families
- freedom: knowing Christ and God’s has a great plan
July 4 ~ red, white, blue
- red: I wore red on Canada Day on July 1
- white: I wore a white sweater on Canada Dayy
- blue: a clear blue sky
July 5 ~ persistence
- to finish what needed to be done even when tired
- to get up early every morning to have time with God
- to not get stressed but see each moment as an opportunity
July 6 ~ enthusiasm
- watching my grandson learn to walk
- my son-in-law getting a new fishing boat
- excitement in the water, watching grandson and Snowball swimming, grandchildren swimming from boat to the beach
July 7 ~ challenge, conflict, change
- challenge: to figure out how to get more planned and organized
- conflict: decisions over choices and time
- changes: take a blog holiday
July 8 ~ water
- cleaning everything
- playing in a water pool
- playing in the lake, running through the sprinkler
July 9 ~ rhythm, rhyme, reason
- thinking of daily rhythms; sleep, wake, eat, work, and play
- I love making rhyme – see Tadeo Turtle 🙂
- knowing the reason for living
July 10 ~ weakness
- I know that in my weakness He is strong – every day I am relying on Jesus
- there is weakness when we “water down” our faith – we must rely on the Holy Spirit, and the Bible to guide us in the truth – please God NOT man
- our weakness shows God’s strength and His miracles
July 11 ~ jars
- jars filled with yummy foods – olives, pickles and jam
- jars made of clay
July 12 ~ life, growth, decline
- life: watching my kids become adults and have children of their own
- growth: the change in my grandson in 1 year
- decline: never think of growing older only better
July 13 ~ curled
- a sweet babe curled in his mom’s arms
- how awesome our hands are that they can curl, grasp and type
- how flowers curl their petals at night
July 14 ~ yellow
- sun shining on the leaves makes a lovely green-yellow
- flowers in the garden and on the road
- yellow flowers on lily pads
July 15 ~ stone
- our house is built on rock
- a deer standing on front yard in front of stone
- it is amazing how craftsmen can turn stone into beauty
July 16 ~ hanging down
- a raspberry hanging down
- laundry hanging down
- towels hanging down
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Link will open for another month. Drop by and add your posts if you are counting the gifts of God.