Coming Home? In Season and out of Season
by Jan Cox

This is always the hardest post for me. To write about “Coming home” from a mission trip in jet lag; trying to think of all that I have seen and done in the past two weeks.
What can I say that will impact lives?
How can I explain how this experience once again has changed me?
First I pray:
Lord, help me to have the words to express my heart, my feelings and your Word. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Cooking dinner while I type. More writing to do tomorrow for Inscribe Writers Online. Back to reality.
Today I think I will tell you that it is hard returning home from a Mission Trip. At camp we are together working for God – we see Him at work in people’s lives. We pray together; eat together; play together and grow together.
I gave a devotion on the last day of camp. It was based on Oswald Chambers “In Season and out of Season” based on 2 Timothy 4:2.
I think this is what I will share with you today.
In Season and Out of Season
Have you ever had an “aha” moment, sometime when you have felt truly inspired – either an idea to help in a situation; or something to write about or something to make or draw?
I have and it feels awesome. Sometimes having that moment makes me long for, pray for and look for that to happen again. Being on a mission trip has the same feeling – totally wrapped up in God-moments.
But now that I am home – I want that experience again. So I think:
“Come on, God – I want to be inspired. Now.”
After reading Oswald Chambers (April 25), I see that this is a wrong attitude.
I love the part where Oswald says:
“If we do only what we feel inclined to do, some of us would do NOTHING for ever and ever.”
“if we made a god of our best moments… God will fade out of our lives.”
OUCH. That makes me rethink wanting those “God-moments”.
As we headed into our last day of camp, I challenged our team to enjoy each moment, not be looking for or remembering special past moments or not to be praying for that God moment.
Instead I suggested that they focus on the present and live for Him, both “in season” and “out of season”.
As I challenged our team I challenge you, my readers.
Are you persevering in your daily lives? Are you living out each moment to the best of your ability and are you willing to let God use you however He wants?
I will be taking this week to rethink my experiences and hopefully next Friday will be able to share some of those precious moments.
Ann Voskamp returned from Haiti recently – she also talks about returning home at A Holy Experience.
Blessings in the coming week.
My Gratitude List continues – counting to 2000.
- inspiration for my “Money” workshops
- energy and perseverance to get ready for my trip
- peace
- a rabbit hopping across my back lawn
- our ability to wash and dry clothes so easily
- hot tea with ginger
- a soft cozy bed to sleep in
- air conditioning
- a family of ducks by the marsh
- thought of the words, “river of God is teeming with life and all who go there will be revived”
- cutest wee sparrow with yellow markings on his head and neck – just outside my window
- great “finds” for Poland at the Lily Ann Thrift Store
- donations for Poland – thank you
- found a great word search programme and crossword maker for my English class
- almost packed – hope there is room!
- packing going well
- lots of prayers
- great sermon from a guest lay preacher
- Off to Poland
- great flight – I even slept a little
- great stay at the Mercure hotel in Berlin with most of the team
- time to plan at our Wokietek camp
- campers arrive – renewed many acquaintances from past years
- camp begins and the weather is great
- great roommates

- Good daily worship and planning meetings at 7:15am
- only 1 night that I didn’t sleep well
- learning the needs of the campers – we pray
- good worship times in Polish and English
- picking wild blueberries and eating them
- visiting the Wang Temple – a 14th Century Temple

- Hawaiian Day – fun activities
- Skit Night – just wonderful – my group did a skit in Polish – the three little pigs

- Banquet Night – just wonderful – food, fun and fellowship

- connecting with campers to know what to pray for them
- Bitter sweet – saying goodbye
- great trip back to Gorzow Baptist church – even through heavy winds and rain
- Church service on Sunday – many of campers were there
- orchids – I have never seen so many blooms

- time at the lake – fun – fun – fun – campfire

- shells from the Baltic Sea

- memories – going to the pool at the hotel in Karpacz; rainbows; deer; hawks; chats with Polish friends; prayer with Polish friends
- early morning ride to airport in Berlin – then to London and home
- met by my loving husband at the airport
- a wonderful cuddle time with my grandson
- HOME – Haliburton and I beat Wayne at a game of cribbage
- a great sleep
- feeling at peace even in jetlag mode
- the promise of rain tonight – we really need it
Jan Cox
Jan, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. She has published two devotionals and a number of articles for magazines and a Bible study. She is owner of Under the Cover of Prayer and moderates the site. She also writes at A Better Way. Jan has completed a children’s book called Tadeo Turtle. She is the watercolour illustrator. Word Alive will be publishing this story and it will be available later this summer. See more about Tadeo at Jan’s Website.

Wonderful! This is my first time reading your blog. I found you on Holy Experience. Blessings, Tammy
Thanks for dropping by. Hope you come back again.
What a wonderful post! You are such a dear lady. I’m sure glad there’s you.
Stephanie , You made my day. I am glad there is you, too.
Thanks for such inspiration. It helped me tremendously as I read it today. Welcome home!!!
Rose Harmer
I am happy that my thoughts have helped you. May you continue to be inspired to write or do whatever God lays on your heart.
I’m enjoying hearing about your trip, Jan.
Recently I had been reading about living in the moment. My takeaway…The moment is what we have. Dwelling on the good or not so good of the past isn’t living. And having our thoughts focused on the future is futile as well. But, this living fully in the moment with God and tuned completely in to him is not necessarily easy. It’s a discipline.
Welcome home!
Yes Diane, it is a discipline which means we need to work at it, encourage one another and be present for others. Thank you for your thoughts.
Great pst Jan. It sounds like the Loed taught you many things on this trip!
Thanks Brian,
Trying to sort out my head as I return to “normality”. Yes, God sure showed me somethings – about others and about myself.
Jan, thanks for this inspiring review of the closing days of your Polish mission and safe return home. I also viewed the previous several posts — very insightful.
May the blessing of the Lord with fruitful success continue through your guests’ and your postings at Under the Cover of Prayer.
Thanks for dropping by Peter. Yes it was an amazing time. I am still singing Polish songs in my head.