We have a guest poster today, Patricia Day, who posted this first on July 3rd on Devotional Christian. She also blogs at Devotionals.
A New Purpose
by Patricia Day

“Give your worries to the Lord. He will take care of you. He will never let good people down” (Psalm 55:22 NCV).
Sigh….my patio needs major repair…………..sigh!
Sigh….my flower beds do not look as beautiful as I had planned or hoped…….Tut!
I have a heap of ironing to get through and it is too hot to iron……sigh!
Sigh….my husband and I had a small ‘spat’ and now there is a silence going on……….oh boy!
Then I get devastating news that the only child of a dear friend has been found dead. In the blink of an eye, my pity-party is over! What seemed important a moment ago, is now trivial!
My mission now is to comfort my friend however I can. My second – equally important mission – is to get this message written and issued.
I need to spread the good news of God and His Son, Jesus. To tell hurting, frightened people about how encouraging His word (the Bible) is; in an attempt to stop other young adults from the deep despair or compromising lifestyles they are in, and to not think about bringing their lives to an early end as a means of escaping the fear or the pain brought by the ugliness of life.
To implore them to not give up and tell them that God loves them – just the way they are – and tell them they will feel His love, if they ask Him to show them what to do next.
Thank goodness, my pity-party ended. I would not have chosen to end it this way, but now in its place is a desire to reach out and touch hearts and spirits with a renewed determination to save them from all that is keeping them in a place of despair or danger. Even if I reach one, that is great…..but more would be splendid.
“God, listen to my prayer. Do not ignore my prayer. Pay attention to me and answer me. I am troubled and upset by what the enemy says and how the wicked look at me. They bring troubles down on me. In anger they attack me. I am frightened inside. The terror of death has attacked me. I am scared and shaking. Terror grips me. I said, “I wish I had wings like a dove. Then I would fly away and rest. I would wander far away. I would stay in the desert. I would hurry to my place of escape, far away from the wind and storm”. Lord, destroy and confuse their words” (Psalm 55:1-6 NCV).
Hang in there – whatever you are dealing with – there really is a better way to live. Please reach out to somebody and share your pain. Make sure it is to a good person, nobody who is a danger or a threat to you. God will help! Ask Him! NOW! God, I need Your help! I don’t know what to do next! Please, if You hear me, answer me and show me the next right step! In Jesus Name, I ask and pray, Amen.
He might now answer right away, in a way you understand, but rest assured that things will change. Trust Him!

Thank you for the transparency – and the challenge. May God bless you richly as you reach out with His love. May each of us be challenged to do just that.