I decided to continue my counting of gifts at my website instead of Under the Cover of Prayer. So on Mondays I will be joining others who count their gifts.
Counting to 2000 – One Thousand Gifts – I am at 1920 – almost 2000
- a cloudy day with a few raindrops in the desert
- herons keeping watch
- birthday party for a Bible Babe
- getting organized (binder, place for folders)
- solutions to computer glitches
- learning to take my time
- speaking French with a friend
- Skyping my daughter and grandbaby
- BIG FAITH sermon at Broadway Christian Church
- videocam with daughter and grandchildren
- funny faces of grandchild
- daughter happy teaching kindergarten
- watching Lola and Snowball walk together
- help from different sources – God-led I am certain
- Facetime with my granddaugther
- rabbits in the desert
- God continues to wake me at 6am
- friends at The Word Guild and Inscribe
- healing of a sore back
- memories of my Mom
- reviewing One Thousand Gifts by Ann Voskamp
- “Praying with eyes wide open is the only way to pray without ceasing” – Ann Voskamp
- seeking answers by reading the Bible
- preparing to step out without fear
- goal to memorize Scripture

Thanks for dropping by. Yes it would be great to be closer but even at home in Canada we are 2- 21/2 hours away from each family. Keeping connected is important. Blessings to you.
I’m blessed to be able to have my children and grandchildren live in the same town. Technology is such a blessing in that you can skype and be “right there”.