CPA – What is that for a Christian?

CPA – What is that for a Christian?

In The Grip of Grace – Chapter 10

Okay – I love acronyms. When I first became a Christian every thought seemed to find its way into my being using an acronym.

This week I have been reading and studying Max Lucado’s In the Grip of Grace. One of the questions this week asked:

How can knowledge of the blessings that are given in the Bible practically affect the way we live?

I believe in claiming and praying Scripture.

  1. Take any one of the blessings in our Bible, read the Scripture, memorize it – then lay claim to it. It becomes yours.
  2. Then pray it. Release it to God and say this is what You said; I lay claim to that promise or blessing.
  3. Then achieve it by believing it.

So we get CPA – Claim it; Pray it; Achieve it.

Here is the one blessing that spoke to me this week:

You are near God:

“But now in Christ Jesus you who once were far away have been brought near through the blood of Christ” (Ephesians 2:13 NIV).

That will be my CPA for this week. I am near God. Isn’t that wonderful!


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