Creative Tuesdays – PICNIC

My prompt from Creative Tuesdays this time is “picnic”. We had such a wonderful time at our Sizzlin’ Summer Service 8 in our park in Haliburton on Sunday that I had to paint it. We didn’t actually have a big picnic basket but we did have a small cooler for our two grandchildren. And grandma and grandpa didn’t sit in this position. Grandpa and daddy sat up on the hill in their blue chairs. My daughter and our two little ones sat on a blanket with the snacks. But they did munch their way through the music, the prayers, and the message.
There were over 300 people attending a joint church service put on by our ministerial. Great message about unity and how to be disciples of love to everyone.
The service is always a reminder of what all Christians should be thinking about and acting – unity and love. Read from The Message below:
Let the peace of Christ keep you in tune with each other, in step with each other. None of this going off and doing your own thing. And cultivate thankfulness. Let the Word of Christ—the Message—have the run of the house. Give it plenty of room in your lives. Instruct and direct one another using good common sense. And sing, sing your hearts out to God! Let every detail in your lives—words, actions, whatever—be done in the name of the Master, Jesus, thanking God the Father every step of the way (Colossians 3:16-17, The Message, my bolding emphasis).
We sang tremendous songs – They know We are Christians by Our Love, The Twenty-Third Psalm, It is Well with My soul, Shine Jesus Shine.
And a wonderful song by Rend Collective:
My Lighthouse
And of course Robin Mark – Fly CCLI Song #6098290:
Fly – new song by Robin Mark
And a new one for us by Graham Kendrick CCLI Song #738261:
Heaven is in My Heart
I hope you enjoy a listen to these wonderful worship songs. I am still singing them from Sunday!! Oh Oh ..Do you like these?
Having a picnic together as we worship the Lord together. (click to tweet)
Don’t forget to drop over to see other artistic versions of the word “picnic”.

Summer picnics are such fun. you’ve captured that sense here, janis.
You know I’ve actually met Graham Kendrick who wrote “shine Jesus Shine”. He played at our Anglican church growing up and was the lead singer before he became famous. tThe band was called “cloud.”
Also, about 15years ago I met the man who wrote “they will know we are Christians by our love.” He was a friend of my former brother in law’s wife’s family. A former catholic priest who had given up the priesthood to make money, as he put it. I remember him being very portly and dripping with jewelry like a massive gold watch, fancy suit, etc. He had totally disowned the “silly” song, as he also called it!
Hi Michael,
Graham Kendrick also wrote Heaven is in my Heart. Did you listen to the youtube? It’s a great song.
It’s too bad that money draws people away from the truth. Sometimes simple songs are very powerful. That’s sad.
Blessings to you and thanks for the linkup,
a show and a meal, sounds good. sweet painting for a sweet reminder.
have a lovely day.
Thanks Lissa,
Yes it will be a memory that lasts until next summer.
Love this picnic scene! Very beautiful, flowy feel to the watercolor paint, and it seems to be a happy and peaceful picnic. Lovely work 😀
Thank you. It was a blessed time and I am glad that I conveyed that feeling in my picture.
After 50 years in ministry I have enjoyed these combined church gatherings and they are the best. You have really captured the heart of it, and the songs make it real. Good job for picnic.
Thanks Wanda,
I don’t often paint “free” without a picture to help me. So I closed my eyes, prayed, and pictured the scene. I had a fabulous time and really loved the outdoors, the presence of other worshippers and the whole idea of unity.
Janis this is a wonderful picnic scene!
Thanks Christine,