Different Methods
by Rose Harmer
God uses many ways to instruct us along the path He wants us to go. Sometimes we form habits which help us in one stage of life yet may need to be changed in other stages. One of the methods I have used to focus my attention during private prayer time came out of a book by Dick Eastman entitled “The Hour that Changes the World”.
Loosely, my process includes praising God for who He is, confessing my failures or asking for His help, then listening for His still inaudible voice which speaks to my heart. By reading scripture and then meditating on that passage, thanking Him for at least three blessings each day including answers to prayers, praying for others and for my own needs keeps me connected to Christ and in tune with His purpose. I recite scripture, sing hymns and choruses throughout the day, and then once again in the evening I listen to God’s voice and then finish my prayer with praise.
Each day I have written out my prayers because I’ve found that writing helps me keep my attention centered on God. The listening portion has blessed me very much and I wish to share one of these Listenings with you.
My child, I use many different methods to teach you My ways.
Each day you can learn, if you are willing, a new dimension of wholeness.
I want you to be healthy and complete.
Is it not exciting to be a pupil in My school of wisdom and knowledge?
I have intriguing ways to teach you:
quiet time with me, reading scripture, nature, books and even television shows.
My teaching methods are abundant and diverse.
Learn to be flexible and not rigid,
loving not condemning,
And always remember I love you.
Have you heard from God today? Were you reassured of His love for you?
Rose Spillenaar Harmer
Rose was born in Kirkland Lake, Ontario, and speaks on subjects related to marriage, family and mental health. Her travels take her throughout North America and she winters in Cape Coral, Florida. Her published words include a short biography in Clayton’s Kids (2009) and a column entitled “Listening” which will be part of a forth-coming book. Contact Rose.