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Do I Matter to God?
by Janis Cox
Indeed, the very hairs of your head are all numbered. Don’t be afraid; you are worth more than many sparrows (Luke 12:7, NIV).
Do I intentionally involve God in all aspects of my life?
I believe the answer is yes. I believe God is interested in every aspect of my life. If He cares about the hairs on my head then He cares about how I am feeling; He is interested in how I think; He wants to be a part of every detail of my day.
David had confidence that he mattered to God (Philip Yancey).
In my children’s story, Tadeo Turtle, Tadeo didn’t know he was special in God’s eyes. He saw others who could do things he could not. He wanted to be like them. At the end of the story Tadeo realizes that he did matter to God – the Creator. And he decides his life is secure in that fact.
Are you sure you matter to God?
Look back in your life and see God in action. What little miracles do you see?
Look for:
- The God-incidences (some people call these coincidences).
- The God-encounters
- The times you said, “How did that happen?”
The Christmas holidays are over for another year. But we can be assured that God loves us so much. Christmas is a time to reflect on that love. And yes we do matter to God.
Father we thank You so much for loving us, for caring about every little facet of our lives. Thank You for Jesus. Thank You for the Holy Spirit. Continue to show us the way as we watch for Your encounters with us. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Are you sure you matter to God?
Do I intentionally involve God in all aspects of my life?
Related articles
- How to Pray the Psalms (underthecoverofprayer.wordpress.com)
- What is Confident Prayer? (underthecoverofprayer.wordpress.com)
- Tadeo Turtle: A Delightful Tale! (familyandfaithmatters.wordpress.com)
Janis Cox
Janis, a former school teacher and small business owner, found a new passion in writing in her retirement. A writer since 2003, Janis co-ordinates a group blog called Under the Cover of Prayer. She is also a contributor to a group blog called Family and Faith Matters.
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. For more information visit Janis on her website He Cares for You. She is a member of The Word Guild andInscribe Writers Fellowship.
So thankful that I matter to God even though there is many others in the world. Amazing none of us matter no less to Him than the other!
Janice, thank you for connecting again and linking up!
What a precious truth that he so intimately and intricately cares for us.
You asked if I have twitter and I double checked that I am already following you. 😉
Many blessings this weekend.
Beautiful reminder! So happy you linked up with Recommendation Saturday! Heart Hugs, Shelly <3
Janis! I came here through the Missional Women link up thingy bob. I was right after you so I came to visit and would you just know how great it is to see your subject matter is prayer and so is mine! You words are good and healing is to be received when we understand these truths you taught in this post. May God bless you and it is lovely to meet you and read your words.
You made me laugh with thingy bob. I say that all the time. It is wonderful that God linked us up – He does that so well. Lovely to meet you too.
We need that unshakable assurance that we all, as individuals and as a group, matter to God. Thank you, Janis.
Thanks Janet. Yes I like the words, “unshakeable assurance”. We are told so many times in the Bible “I will not be shaken.. no no… I will not be shaken.” I like that.