Five Minute Friday – Encouragement
Life is full. I haven’t done a Five-Minute Friday very often. But I really want to get back into doing this.
It only takes 5 minutes (except for the posting, filling in tags, categories, and finding a picture) so here goes.
I am joining Lisa Jo Baker and her Five-Minute Fridays. Calling all writers – join me.
Today’s word is Encouragement.
My post today on Under the Cover of Prayer is called “Do I matter to God?”. Janet Sketchley wrote a comment which is in itself is always an encouragement.
Today she wrote:
We need that unshakable assurance that we all, as individuals and as a group, matter to God.
That’s one of the reasons I write – to provide that encouragement to others. That’s how we grow in our faith – little by little.
God writes about encouragement all through His Word. His promises are many.
God says:
I’ll be with you. I won’t give up on you; I won’t leave you (Joshua 1:5, The Message). (click to tweet)
This week I have downloaded a “daily plan” from Ann Voskamp. One of the sections says: relationship. Here is the plan from her wonderful post called A Grace Plan.
In the spot called RELATIONSHIP, I put which relationship I want to grow today. Someone I will reach out to.
And then there is the Holy Spirit nudge of encouragement. I see a woman once in a while on the bench as I drive back home in my golf cart after tap dance. I smile. But today I said, What a beautiful day! And I love your smile.” She smiled back even bigger. Small thing but big results.
What are you going to do today to encourage someone? (click to tweet)
Five minutes are up (with a break to help my hubby lay flooring). Your turn to read other posts or write your own.
To find other Five Minute Friday posts – click on Five Minute Fridays.
Don’t forget to write comments – they are an encouragement. Check out number 3 in Lisa Jo’s rules. She knows that’s one things that keeps us writing. ENCOURAGEMENT

Want to join Lisa Jo. Here are the rules:
1. Write for 5 minutes flat – no editing, no over thinking, no backtracking.
2. Link back here and invite others to join in.
3. And then absolutely, no ifs, ands or buts about it, you need to visit the person who linked up before you & encourage them in their comments. Seriously. That is, like, the rule. And the fun. And the heart of this community.

Twenty five minutes left to this Friday…. went to a funeral today where God was the centre of all the singing and all the speeches. It is wonderfully reassuring to know that we have a hope in in Christ. The knowledge that we will see our loved ones again and the joy of being in an amazing, pain free place with a loving Father and Angelic beings. Loving life even on the bad days.
Enjoy your week-end
Thanks for writing a comment. That is an encouragement to me. Yes God loves us through the storms and is always there. Hoping and praying you have a few more good days.
Hi Jan,
I trust your completely over your cold and have recuperated from all the work laying floors. Hard work.
You prayed that I would have a few more good days. Thank you. Every day is a good day when we are living within the plan God has set forth for us as individuals.
There is an elderly lady that attends our little church. Whenever someone asks her “how is your day going Carol” she replies. ” Every day with Jesus is sweeter than the day before”
I believe I understand the full intent of that statement. God becomes so near and dear to us as we learn to trust Him. The more we get to know the Lord the more we fall in love with Him. What a privileged to know the Creator of this wonderful universe!
Have a great day
I am thinking about the five minute Friday. To write for five minutes flat out and then just post it–that would take all the angst out of blogging. Just do it. Okay, I’m thinking and talking it over with Father.
I love the five minutes – I will have to make a more conscious effort to do it. It was fun.
Hi Janis I am your neighbour on Five Minute Fridays today … Happy to e-meet you.
Thank you for writing and taking a moment to encourage others … I love the pic of you on the golf cart on the way back from tap, waving and encouraging the woman on your radar. Beautiful. I love those moments.
I love the God moments – when I actually listen and obey. Trying to do that with more consistency.
Dear Janis
Oh, this is so incredibly important; that need for every single person to KNOW that they are loved, accepted and special in their Heavenly Father’s eyes!
Luv XX
Yes – know that God loves us… if we could only get that through to everyone. Right?
Hope your knees are ok after the floor laying, it’s a killer.
That’s funny. Actually I am the gopher – my husband does the actual laying of the floor. He wears knee pads and is doing okay. Blessings to you,