Do You Dance?
“Wearing a linen ephod, David was dancing before the Lord with all his might” (2 Samuel 6:14 NIV).

Never has there been a time that I have not wanted to move to music. I love to let my body find its release as it hears the beat.
But in church when I grew up and as a young mom it was expected that we would maintain “decorum”. Not until 2000 when I attended my first contemporary service did I feel allowed to be ME – to worship fully my way.
I may be one of the very few in my small country church to dance, clap and raise my hands but I do it freely – knowing I am praising God the way I need to.
David danced for joy – and so do
I dance to show God how pleased I am that He made me – to say how much I love Him.

Do you dance in church to show your joy? I am not saying all people have to worship this way. But if you want to I think you should be able to do so in freedom.
If you do not worship this way, do you accept those who want to be free to worship this way?
I would love to hear your comments.
I am linking to the Gypsy Mama again this week. The word this week is DANCE.
Five Minute Friday from the Gypsy MamaDance

Oh, yes, I move and sway to the music! Hard not to do so! And I grew up in a faery conservative denomination. So glad the times they are a changing’! Joining you today from Dance with Jesus!
Definite yes for dancing in church!! Love to worship God this way…sometimes just in the quietness of my own space though 🙂 But I absolutely LOVE it when people feel free to worship however they want!!
Oh another friend in Christ who loves to dance in church. Yahoo. Sometimes I don’t feel like it – just have to be able to move when it seems right. Right?
Blessings and thanks for dropping by,
Oh yes, we dance in church. I used to lead a praise dance team for adult women. I have no dance training. only what the Lord taught me. I am so thankful for the freedom I have in my place of worship to dance before Him, unashamed!
That’s awesome. Where do you live? And yes I believe God gives us what we need to serve Him even without human training. Freedom to really dance – that is inspiring.
He seems to give a reason to dance a lot. and a good praise service is one. Blessings
Amen, to that. If we count our blessings we can see His Hand on everything can’t we?
And yes a good praise service can bless God and ourselves. Thanks for dropping by.
I feel like I’m just beginning to learn how to worship freely, and it’s hard to do in my home church because we’re small, quiet and not overly demonstrative (except for great hugs). And while I long to be free in worship I don’t want that freedom to offend another believer who’s used to things the way they are.
Last summer we visited a church where the kids all had streamers to wave during the songs, and it was beautiful. I’d love to find a local class on liturgical/worshipful dance. Gotta practice for Heaven 🙂
I so understand what you mean, Janet. We have a congregation that is OLD and they do like things quiet. But we have contemporary service once a month. It is impossible on some of those songs to stand still. Also my congregation is getting to know me well enough that it is not strange for them to see me move around. When I am invited up to do the “actions” for children’s time, people stop me after the service to say how great it is to see. So they like it but are intimidated to do it themselves. As long as I am doing it for God with a good heart and not doing it for me I feel it is okay to praise Him as I am led.
Attitude is indeed the key! It’s so important to check our hearts.
Jan, I love to dance. 36 years ago I had never heard of dancing in the spirit, or of David dancing the first time I danced in worship, and I apologized to God if I was on the wrong track. Now I know better. We don’t actually dance in our church (Pentecostal) but we can if we want to and a few of us do at the back. And I almost always dance in worship times at home. Like you, I can’t sit still. Mucis makes me move, and so does my joy in Jesus
Diana, I take tap dance while we are in Arizona – I really miss it when I come home. Any music makes me want to move. I don’t really “dance” at church but I do move my feet, and raise my hands when the Spirit moves me. Thanks for dropping by.