After I wrote Wandering for Tuesday, the words of my own blog started to work in me. The Scripture, “looking away from all that will distract you” rumbled around in my mind and soul. Then I read another post at (in)courage called “How can I grow closer to God”.
This is the paragraph that convicted me:
“Another example is my commitment to not turn on my phone or computer before I open up God’s word. I used to wake up eager to tune in to the world. I’d soon get sucked into answering this email, reading that twitter feed and returning phone calls. Before I knew it half my day was gone and I hadn’t let God prepare my heart for any of it. So, I broke the old habit and created space in my heart for new growth.”
What had I done? Exactly that. It has been my habit for years to meet with God first thing in the morning. However when I signed on to memorize Colossians I liked the idea of using Scripture Typer (which is very good, by the way), I started with my computer when I woke up. Then the obvious happened – I read email, followed blogs, responded to them and sometimes even wrote a blog – and then only then after all that was done would I go to meet my Lord.
I had it backwards. Sometimes I went down so many rabbit trails that my time was up and I had a quick minute with God. Not good.
So today I went to Him first. And wouldn’t you know it, the first Scripture I read was Matthew 6:28-34. I read about not worrying, and I know that so I continued on and then out of the words I saw:
“But seek FIRST (emphasis mine) His kingdom and his righteousness.”
And I had already underlined the word “first” in my Bible.
Then I read Oswald Chambers and God convicted me – totally.
These words stood out in his message, “we try to be self-consciously consistent and useful”. Oh self! – yes I started my day with myself, my contacts, my computer, my blog, and my comments.
Then I continued to read,
“Instead pay attention to the SOURCE and out of me will flow rivers of living water…. We cannot get at the spring of our natural life through common sense and we don’t get there by watching especially this world but by CONCENTRATING on God.”
Decision: Start my day with God. If I concentrate on Jesus – read my Bible, read my devotion and pray – then “He will make use of [me] unconsciously every minute [I] live.”
How do you start your day? Do you count on God?
A song came to my mind while writing in my journal this morning. “Counting on God”

Oh, this was so good to read. I struggle with the same thing, and then bring myself back, again, to opening the Word and seeking Him first, before opening up the computer. Those words from My Utmost for His Highest were so good yesterday … I needed them, and also used some in my post yesterday, as well. So good to encourage each other with these things … thank you!
I love encouragement. It sometimes does get discouraging if we think – why are we doing these posts. But God has shown me – He likes it; it is good for me; and others might benefit too.
These posts came after a time with Him- that shows something, doesn’t it?
I will hop over quickly to your blog and read your words.
Jan, I’ve been reading Psalm 127 the past two mornings, and verses 1-2 are an echo on this too: “Unless the LORD builds the house… unless the LORD watches over the city… in vain you rise… and stay up late, toiling…”
To me, it’s coming back to just what you said here: He needs to be in it–in the day, in each part of it–or there’s no point in what we’re doing.
Press on!
Oh Janet,
I love that – UNLESS – that really hit me. Unless I get up and go to Him, unless I start my day with Him – then in vain do I go about my day.
Thank you – for this encouragement and confirmation that He is speaking to us.
This was timely for me. It may seem like a small thing–and how harmful can it be if we just get around to spending time with God once the distractions run out? But I went through a season of really wandering far from God because I let myself drift a little every day, until I was snagged.
It took some painful correcting, and needless wasting of time, for God to bring me back. Not to mention that everyone around you suffers when you wander because you’re not praying and watching for them like you used to.
But here I am on the computer before spending time in the Word–let’s pray for each other, all of us–that we would all be obedient and disciplined in this area.
Thanks for keeping us on track.
Thanks for the affirmation. Day 2 – and I spent it with Him for over an hour. It certainly starts my day with an abundance of joy and energy. I even wrote in my journal for Simply Saturday.
I will pray that you can close the computer – SHUT it tight – go away from it and SIT with Him at the start of your day. Encourage me and I will encourage you.