Five MInute Fridays – KEEP

Five MInute Fridays – KEEP




Once more, it is Friday – take 5 minutes and just write. Set the timer. Go.

The word for this week is: KEEP

Keep to me means cherish. I think of what I cherish the most – God, family, friends. Then I think of what I cherish that maybe I should not cherish – my “work”, my accomplishments, my gifts.

A long time ago I was able to get rid of stuff. Stuff can occupy our minds and keep us from advancing to where God wants us to go. I still have to purge often because stuff accumulates (don’t know how but it does).

God says we have one real thing to cherish with our whole heart – that’s Him. From there our love can go out to others. I try to keep that thought in front of me whatever I am doing. I don’t always succeed. Thanks for His grace!

If we are promising to walk in His Word then we have to remember that He gives and takes away. What I have now I might not always have – that includes things, abilities, health, finances – anything really.

But truly in order to live with Jesus I need to try to KEEP:

  • myself open to Him – He is the author and perfecter of my soul. 
  • watch over where God is working so I can follow His lead.
  • watch over my lips and tongue so my speech will be filtered to following Him.
  • my thoughts pure and blameless so I am ready for when He returns.
Heavenly Father,
Thank You for Your Word. That’s where I learn what I need to keep. Thanks for putting the Word into my heart more and more. Keep watch over me as I travel this road of life. Keep me watching, learning, and waiting until You return. In Jesus’ name. AMEN


Time’s up. Five minutes goes quickly doesn’t it. Joining Kate Motaung for Five Minute Fridays.


What does KEEP mean to you? Joining Kate Motaung for #FMFparty (click to tweet).

Join us on Fridays – take 5 minutes to share your thoughts – no editing, just write.

Who Am I? – Janis Cox

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Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. Available in Kindle Format, in bookstores, online and from her website. Curriculum available upon request.


You can find her on Facebook, and Twitter. Tadeo has his own Facebook Page.





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