Five Things I Learned During My Blogging Sabbatical
Welcome to UTCOP’s new home.
Although there might be a few more changes in store for readers – this will be Under the Cover of Prayer’s new home. Praising God for a fairly smooth move – a few hiccups but they were solvable.
What this holiday has done is said so well by Oswald Chambers. My answer is YES.
Is there a freshness and vigour in our spiritual outlook? ~ (Oswald Chambers, May 9th)
There are 5 big things God has shown me in this month of Sabbath Blogging Rest:
Since my mind is always twirling, whirling, inventing, discussing, questioning … I need to find a way to focus on the task at hand. I always managed before to get all those post up and running (mostly) on time. However, I also was doing too much and going in too many directions. And losing that focus.
God showed me that the focus of what I do and what is important for Him is PRAYER. Yes connecting with Him and showing others how important that is in their lives.
Be Intentional
God also showed me that in order to do this I have to be intentional with my day. So I need a plan. Yes I dread that word. But I am looking for a successful simple way to plan my week. If you know of how to do that please tell me.
I believe God still wants me to write. I have 2 children’s books, one devotional (or Bible study) and a prayer book all in the works. So I need to be intentional so I can finish something. Right?
In being intentional God also told me that I can’t be so stuck on that habit that I forget the Holy Spirit who can interrupt at any time and change my direction. That doesn’t mean a phone call, an email, or a husband wanting to chat. But it does mean that I need to take my head up from my computer at set intervals and check with the world around me.
K.I.S.S. Social Media
Social Media and commenting on blogs are important means to build community. However, I have to learn to make it simple and for it not to overwhelm my day. Once again I need a plan and a timer and remember there is only so much time I can devote to it.
Reach Out to My Online Community
Even though I am behind a screen we have built a community here on line. I would like the opportunity to pray for you. You can use the comment section or email me at UTCOP. I promise to pray for your request.
If you are able I would love you to tell me of your answered prayers.
Reach Out to My Home Community
Yes, when we are squirrelled away behind a screen we might forget the world around us. I know I do. It is easier to sit here and type than to meet the community. My husband does the shopping (and in our small town that is where we meet people). I plan to do one or two trips to town a week just for that purpose – for those God appointments. (I have had a few all ready!)
My summer is community oriented. I joined a Time Outs for Moms, 2x a month. I am running a Vacation Bible School at our church. I am going on my 5th trip to Poland with an Evangelical Camp which teaches English.
Lord thank You for showing me when to stop and regroup. Thank You for showing me so much in the past month. Lord bless all of my readers who are reading this post today. Speak into their hearts and give them wisdom, truth and perseverance to follow You, Jesus. In Your Name, AMEN.
It would be a privilege to pray for you.
UTCOP, Under the Cover of Prayer, has moved to a new location. Learn more how to connect with God. (tweet this)
Five Things I Learned During My Blogging Sabbatical. (tweet this)
I hope you consider joining me with my new newsletter. The next newsletter will go out this week. A free painting in .jpg as a gift. Join us.

Jan, I sincerely thank you for this post and for sharing your “lessons learned.”
Your doing that, while inspiring and challenging me and others, places you in a position of vulnerability.
May God honour your openness and prosper your prayers and writing ministry in every way. ~~+~~
Thanks Peter,
I am happy to say I don’t feel vulnerable so God must have His hands around me. I feel such peace and know that I can trust in Him for everything.
Good thoughts, Janis. I enjoyed your newsletter and it got me thinking about how I’m doing things! Thanks…
Thanks Amy,
Yes I am still thinking and praying about everything I do. But also at peace that God has it in control.
I enjoyed the post very much and look forward to corresponding with you once again. Rose
Thanks Rose. It is good to see your face again and hear your voice.
I am praying that your new focus will make a kingdom difference and you will be able to stick with the goals. So often we write up goals and forget–forget where we put them and what they are. Blessings on your endeavor.
Thanks so much Carol. I think now that I had the “holiday” I know loud and clear that God wants me to write about prayer. So I will be sticking to that. It frees me to write for others as well. From 6 posts a week to 1. That is quite a drop.