HAHFA – Heart Number 5

HAHFA  – Hands and Hearts for Africa

A few years ago my friend Fran Gray surprised me when she told me she planned to go to Africa on a mission trip. At that time the organization, Hands and Hearts for Africa, HAHFA, had a goal to fundraise for mosquito nets. This intrigued me and I wanted to know more. Since then I have kept in touch with this group and what they have been doing in Malawi, Africa.


Although this group is not a charity they have partnered with others. Here is there introduction.

Our desire is to partner and work in cooperation with two Christian organizations on the ground in Malawi -Emmanuel International and Prison Fellowship Malawi. We are like-minded Christ followers, connected by faith to serve Africans. We come from a variety of backgrounds and churches, but do not represent any one church or denomination. We are all volunteers and receive no remuneration.

I love that they come from different churches. I love that they work together to help communities in Malawi.

They have a Facebook Page and a website.

I know that as we open our hearts and become a generous people God blesses our actions. (tweet this)

Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! (Luke 12:48, The Message)

Here are some pictures from their recent mission trip to Malawi.


fran-presenting-canadian-pins fran-with-village-chief saving-sawdust word-of-grace-church team-2016-hahfa smiling-kids sewing-machine-tailoring

Have you felt a pull on your heart? Do you want to learn more? Check out Hands and Hearts for Africa’s website. You can donate here.



  1. Our church has a similar ministry in Ghana, West Africa. I’m going there again in February. I can’t wait!

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