HAHFA – Hands and Hearts for Africa
A few years ago my friend Fran Gray surprised me when she told me she planned to go to Africa on a mission trip. At that time the organization, Hands and Hearts for Africa, HAHFA, had a goal to fundraise for mosquito nets. This intrigued me and I wanted to know more. Since then I have kept in touch with this group and what they have been doing in Malawi, Africa.
Although this group is not a charity they have partnered with others. Here is there introduction.
Our desire is to partner and work in cooperation with two Christian organizations on the ground in Malawi -Emmanuel International and Prison Fellowship Malawi. We are like-minded Christ followers, connected by faith to serve Africans. We come from a variety of backgrounds and churches, but do not represent any one church or denomination. We are all volunteers and receive no remuneration.
I love that they come from different churches. I love that they work together to help communities in Malawi.
They have a Facebook Page and a website.
I know that as we open our hearts and become a generous people God blesses our actions. (tweet this)
Great gifts mean great responsibilities; greater gifts, greater responsibilities! (Luke 12:48, The Message)
Here are some pictures from their recent mission trip to Malawi.
Have you felt a pull on your heart? Do you want to learn more? Check out Hands and Hearts for Africa’s website. You can donate here.
Love these pics. There’s nothing like seeing then hands of God reaching out to people through His children.
Our church has a similar ministry in Ghana, West Africa. I’m going there again in February. I can’t wait!
Your pictures are better than many words!
Love those sweet smiles in Malawi!
Sounds like a wonderful organization. Thanks for sharing this with us, Janis.