Hurry Up, God
This afternoon, hubby and I plan on watching the John Wayne movie we taped late last night. We don’t do midnight anymore.
VCRs and DVDs allow us to set our own schedule and view favourites at our leisure.
Thanks to the fast-forward button, we skip all the commercials. That means we get right to the action.
Unfortunately we sometimes expect fast-forward answers to prayer too.
We petition God with our needs, wants and desires and expect an immediate answer.
“Hurry up, God.” we moan.
Oh, we might not speak these exact words, but our hearts and sometimes our attitudes betray us.
We have no time for His learning curve. We don’t want to waste our time gathering patience or perseverance.
We don’t care to wade through God’s advertisements for love, joy, or peace.
We want our way and we want it now.
It would be funny if it weren’t so sad.
Our weaknesses brought us to Him in the first place, but now we demand to be the ones in control.
We want our answers our way and in our timing.
And God in His wisdom says to us,
“My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weakness.” (2 Corinthians 12:9a)
And we walk through God’s movie version of our life, on His timing schedule, only to discover once again, that’s when He answers our prayer, the timing is exactly right.
Brenda J. Wood
Author and speaker, Brenda and her hubby Ron, live near Barrie, Ontario. They have two children and five grands.Her latest workshop is called “Living like a Princess when Your Life is the Pits.Brenda also speaks regularly for Stonecroft Ministries.Her latest book is ”Heartfelt, 366 Devotions for Common Sense Living. Watch for her memoir, due out this year, called ‘Overcoming What is Overcoming You.’ Email Brenda.