The Story of My First True Christmas
I recall the time that I met Jesus, the day of His birth on my first true Christmas.

When did the Christmas Story take hold of me?
One Christmas Eve, we visited a different church in our small town. It was dark when we arrived at the little church.

Stained glass windows adorned the walls. We walked in through the narthex at the back of the church.

A buzz of voices greeted us as we entered. A lovely small woman met us at the door and welcomed us to the Christmas Eve service. We found a seat.
A few people said hello but I will never forget the smile on that lovely woman’s face when she said, “Hello, my name is Eleanor.”
We sang Christmas carols and then it was time for the message. The minister rose and walked to the podium.
Then something happened.
My ears were opened that night. I don’t know what he said exactly but he explained the Incarnation in a way that I had never heard. I was a believer at the time. I had been baptized.
But I didn’t understand that:
God came down to earth. He lived here. He walked among us. He was God incarnate.
That hit me deeply. God loved me so much that He left heaven and the heavenly connection He was used to, to come to His people. To rescue them and me.
From that night on, Christmas Eve has never been the same.
I have taken the place of each character that night.
Mary as she birthed her baby (I felt that one).
Joseph as he admired his new child. (I’ve seen that in my husband’s eyes.)
The Shepherds who were astounded, filled with fear but told not to be afraid (how many times have I felt that?)
The Angel — proclaiming the Good News. (When I sing Christmas songs about the Angels, I am carried to the heavens.)
I have even put myself in the spot of Jesus (I was a baby once).
So much happened that night.
From the star in the sky to the shepherds’ arrival, the Incarnation is the most wonderful story of all. And my true first Christmas began.
May I pray for you and me?
Father, thank You for sending Jesus to live on earth, to teach us, to comfort and heal us, to take our sins upon Himself and reconnect us to the Father. We are grateful and happy for knowing Jesus. In His name, we pray. Amen.
If you have read this far, I have a special gift for you this Christmas.
Please visit this page: A Free Gift of a Colouring page
Another place for free gifts until December 31:

The truth of the incarnation is so beautiful. Merry Christmas!
It truly is amazing and what makes all the difference to my faith. God came to earth.