Be Near: Five Minute Friday
I find it very exciting and interesting how God links some things together – actually He holds everything together (Colossians 1:7). This morning as I did my morning readings and studying I came away with thoughts to write about. But then Five MInute Friday’s prompt came through and the prompt “near” fit exactly with what I had been thinking. Wow.
Five Minute Fridays is a time to just write for 5 minutes with little editing. Just get the words on paper – or screen. So I am setting the Timer – 5 minutes and counting. GO
I have been leading a Facebook Bible Study group using David Kitz’s book “psalms alive” (Yes no capitals). Today’s study is Chapter 19, Psalm 113:4-9.
Here is the Scripture:
The Lord is exalted over all the nations,
his glory above the heavens.
Who is like the Lord our God,
the One who sits enthroned on high,
who stoops down to look
on the heavens and the earth?He raises the poor from the dust
and lifts the needy from the ash heap;
he seats them with princes,
with the princes of his people.
He settles the childless woman in her home
as a happy mother of children.Praise the Lord (Psalm 113:4-9. NIV).
My focus stayed on “Who is like our LORD our God?”
I remembered a song from worship in our former church by Vineyard. Here it is: There is No One Like Our God.
But the word “STOOPS DOWN” really hit me. God loves us so much that He stooped, bent low, reached out to us. He sent Jesus to bring His nearness to Him fully.
And look at all the action words in the rest of the verses: stoops, raises, lifts, seats, settles.
God moves to be with us.
God is a God of Action.
He wants to be near us.
He works to be near us.
He even planned to be near us.
When I work on a passage I ask God to speak to me through my thoughts. These are the words I heard this morning:
Be Near to Me
Cast down your crowns,
So I can approach you.
I can only get near
when your heart is soft,
your mind is open,
when nothing stands between us.
When you humbly
fall down
on your knees,
I will approach you.
wants to meet you.
After journaling, praying and listening, I see what I can paint in my Bible. What do I want to remember about this scripture – this time (because God’s Word is living and active – it changes as we change and grow)?
Time is up: 5 minutes goes quickly.
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God has in the past though reached people whose hearts were not as soft or their minds totally open but, yes, their hearts were searching.
“because God’s Word is living and active – it changes as we change and grow” –here is a classic example of where most people read that to mean the Bible only–their learned assumption never considering it to have a broader meaning, where as it could easily too have referred to his Spoken word too and not the Bible (NT) as it wasn’t even put together when that verse was written. It is certainly possible the writer was referring to God speaking to us as God is indeed alive and active and can speak to the heart of the believer, even more so through his Spirit resident. We are not stuck to just making everything fit to whatever verse we can find. While a truth won’t contradict directly, it may speak to something not even remotely referenced in the Bible, for example, how to fix your engine or how to do something on the computer, etc. Thank God he is alive and not jsut a book or as evangelicals like to say “the word made flesh.”
This one is more difficult to answer because I am not sure what you are asking.
Yes I have heard God speak to me – when I pray and listen; but also I learn through reading His Word. I don’t just pick a verse to suit my answer. I read, I pray, I listen.
The Bible is the history of God’s people. You know it well. You have studied more than I have, I am sure.
But I love reading it. He really does talk to me through His Word. I can’t explain it. He just does.
I agree The Bible can be used incorrectly. But I think it also can be used well.
The Bible used to sit on a shelf in my house. Alone, not touched. Now I have many copies of His Word – I pick them up at garage sales. Now I even draw pictures in them. The words touch my soul. Maybe from all your studying the words are in your soul. But I need to learn more. I need to experience God through His Word. I need to keep reading.
Good observations on the verses. I like all the action words you point out. Thank you Janis.
Thanks so much.
I really like your action verbs and the idea that God moves to be near us. Beautiful!
Thanks Mindy,
I look for the action verbs in the verses. It helps me “see” what’s going on.
What a great post–a beautiful reminder of how God desires relationship with us. What a humbling thought for a mud clod such as I.
Thank you. David in his book has such a wonderful way to explain our brokenness. Muddy we are but God cares and jumps down in the mire with us.