The Pentecostal Church
Preached by Rev. Harold Morgan Video Podcast Part 1 and Part 2
I have to admit that during the sermon today I was a little distracted. My grandson (2 1/2 months old) and my daughter were attending with Wayne and me. So my little one kept me from completely listening to Harry’s sermon.
However, I think I came away with a sense of what he said. I am sure some of this is my own words that flowed as Harry spoke.
Here goes:
May 27, 2012 is Pentecostal Sunday – 50 days from when Jesus rose to Heaven. In the Jewish calendar Pentecost was a feast that came 7 weeks after Passover. It was a dramatic day. We read in Acts 2.
“When the day of Pentecost came, they were all together in one place. Suddenly a sound like the blowing of a violent wind came from heaven and filled the whole house where they were sitting. They saw what seemed to be tongues of fire that separated and came to rest on each of them. All of them were filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues[a] as the Spirit enabled them” (Act 2:1-4 NIV).
Harry told us that in Heaven we will all be “United” but while on earth we are “Pentecostal”.
In 1906 there was a movement at the Azusa St. Mission, L.A. where quite a few years there was a spontaneous outpouring of the Holy Spirit – tongues, prophecy, healings, testimonies, singing. This movement made a great contribution to our Christian faith. It has become stodgy and needed a burst of energy. From this came Spirit empowered preaching, awesome music, and Scripture put to music. This was definitely for the betterment of the Church. God injected LIFE into the church through this movement.
Life with Christ can be dramatic and life changing. Look at how the disciples were affected. And we can be affected the same way if we let Jesus instill LIFE into us.
Harry talked about TRUTH and how this TRUTH that the Holy Spirit can impart to us will change our lives and will allow us to use the gifts that the Holy Spirit gives to us.
We ended the service with Communion – our way of celebrating the life, death and resurrection of Jesus so we can live in joy and grace.
Harry challenged us to walk even closer to Christ; for more spiritual strength, healing and restoration of our souls.
There is MORE to do as well – let us use the Holy Spirit gifts in our churches – each and every one of us as we are able. Let us spread the Good News of Jesus to everyone we meet.

A Beautiful topic, The Holy Spirit. Thank you God for leaving your Spirit to guide and direct us. I expect Jesus was smiling as you watched your little grandson.
Thanks Mary,
yes it was wonderful to hear the power of the Holy Spirit and the gifts He brings us. And how Jesus is wrapped into all this.
That’s okay – I loved watching him – even if it was a little distracting. Such a wonderful gift from God.
Bryce apologizes for distracting you by smiling at you and being held by you. 🙂