Sunday Stillness – God is behind all things growing
Read: Matthew 7:11
I enjoy reading Oswald Chambers. Sometimes I jot down quotes that make me think. When I look at them again – I think some more.
I jotted this quote down on July 16th. Oswald talked about rules of conduct and how we need to live. Knowing that God is behind everything will awaken us to knowing who is in control.
He [Jesus] urges us to keep our minds filled with the notion of God’s control behind everything, which means that the disciple must maintain an attitude of perfect trust and an eagerness to ask and to seek.

Today is Sunday Stillness.
Do you have a Scripture that spoke to you this week? Please link below. If you post to Twitter use #sundaystillness and @authorjaniscox.
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I would appreciate if you would link only about God’s Word. If you have a linky party that’s okay if it is about the same thing. Please no sales or prizes. I want this to be friendly but I must ask you to abide by the rules. Others want to read God’s Word – and that is what I would like the links to be about. I must take down the links that don’t follow the rules. Thanks so much.
Please check out all the places I link to during the week. Thanks to everyone who has joined Sunday Stillness. I do try to get to your posts every week but I admit sometimes I don’t have the time.
Here are my favourite links for Sunday Stillness:

Dear Yanis, Your Photo and quote are beautiful, declaring a simple but powerful truth – trusting Him with small and big things in life – He is faithful!
Great illustration of this thought from Chambers. What a great reminder too that God is behind all things good and that I can continue to trust His goodness and His heart towards me.
What a tremendous thought from Oswald Chambers! A great thought to remember as we drive to church this morning & see the fall foliage. Thank you for this reminder today.
Have a blessed Sunday,
Love Oswald Chambers! And, yes, as a matter of fact I do have a Scripture that spoke to me just today in my devotionals.
“Those who know Your name will trust in You, for You, LORD, have never forsaken those who seek You.” (Psalm 9:10, NIV)
What a promise…what a God!!
Janis, I love this quote! Oswald Chambers is one of my favorite authors. Thanks for hosting & God bless!