Sunday Stillness – Matthew 6:33
Don’t Let Any Obstacle…

Read: Matthew 6:33
But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well (NIV).
Seek the Kingdom of God above all else, and live righteously, and he will give you everything you need (New Living Translation).
Steep your life in God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions. Don’t worry about missing out. You’ll find all your everyday human concerns will be met (The Message).
All of these passages speak one thing to me – FOCUS.
Don’t let any obstacle get in the way of you keeping with God.
Don’t let any obstacle block your communication with God.
Don’t let any obstacle stop you from connecting with the Source of Life.
What happens when you keep focused on Jesus?
God will either take you around the obstacle or remove it (Oswald Chambers, Sept 6).
Today is Sunday Stillness – be still before Him.
Stop and feel His touch.
Do you have a Scripture that spoke to you this week? Please link below. If you post to Twitter use #sundaystillness and @authorjaniscox.
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I would appreciate if you would link only about God’s Word. If you have a linky party that’s okay if it is about the same thing. Please no sales or prizes. I want this to be friendly but I must ask you to abide by the rules. Others want to read God’s Word – and that is what I would like the links to be about. I must take down the links that don’t follow the rules. Thanks so much.
Please check out all the places I link to during the week. Thanks to everyone who has joined Sunday Stillness. I do try to get to your posts every week but I admit sometimes I don’t have the time.
Here are my favourite links for Sunday Stillness:

My goodness everyone – thanks for all the comments.. Love you all,
What do we do with the obstacles, when we are confronted with a boulder in the road? Faith keeps moving! Sure, we face discouragement and disappointment, but it’s not the end. We don’t turn around and go home. We stay in Him. Great reminder, Janis. Thank you.
Thanks so much Jason. And everyone of us needs to encourage each other – to keep on keeping on. Striving as Paul tells us. Keeping focused on Him who gives us everything we need.
Dear Janis, your Photo says a thousand Words! And I was reading the same text today, the Voice translation spoke to me as well … God-reality, God-initiative, God-provisions! Blessings to you, thank you for your place of Peace and Truth here!
Janis…This verse offers much comfort to the soul. Seek God first (the direction) and all these things will be added to you (the promise). I love it! Thank you for the reminder today and the link up. Blessings.
I was just thinking of this scripture a little while ago, Janis. Focusing on Christ helps me put everything into proper perspective. I don’t need to worry about what I don’t have. In Him I have everything that’s important. And anything else that is needed to breathe and live, He will supply.
Great photo! Seeing the rescue truck in the background made me realize that we so need the help of the Holy Spirit and God’s Word to remove the obstacles. So glad He rescues us each time we need Him!
Have a blessed Sunday,
I love how this passage reads in The Message. Thank you for sharing!
Dear Janis
What a great photo! This what the road of our lives look like when that old rock of “self” is blocking the way into Pappa’s Kingdom. But while it might be impossible for us to remove ourselves, nothing is impossible for God. It reminds me of the time when He made the sun stood still for Joshua and the Israelites during battle.
Blessings XX
Focus – that’s what it’s all about. And by keeping our eyes on the Lord, we can accomplish so much more than we think!
For things that are impossible to us, are “HIM-possible!”
Hi Janis,
I love this Scripture, because He is always faithful to provide what we need to do His will. When I first came to this page, I saw only the top of the photo, and it looked like the stone rolled away from the tomb, with the cross in the distance. Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
Blessings Janis, and joy to you! I am linking with you on Sunday Stillness for the first time – part three of a five part story about the faith of our Pilgrim forefathers. They certainly had their share of obstacles in their path to God’s purposes for their lives. So thankful they remained faithful! Your scriptures today are right where my own heart is as I struggle with some obstacles in my own life – but God is good and His grace is poured out through the dear ladies in Blogland as we share together and in His provision for each day. I hope to begin linking more often with you and getting to know more of our Blogging sisters here.
Joy to you!
Kathryn Ross