Teamwork – Week3Blog Holiday

Teamwork – Week3Blog Holiday

It’s all about teamwork. That’s what I learned this year at VBS. For the first time I worked with others and felt the spirit of teamwork. Other years I had help but I had to oversee everything. This year we worked together and I let the spirit lead me in everything I did. It felt marvellous.

Three things I learned:

1. Prayer:

Every morning during camp, God woke me at 5 or 5:30 (a little earlier than normal) to have time to spend with Him. Every morning our team prayed together before camp. This is teamwork with God and others.



2. We sang:

Our songs helped me as well as the children remember to have faith in Jesus.

Choose Jesus, John 3:16, I’m Keeping my Eyes on Jesus, My God is so big, (and others as well). I am still singing those songs.

3. Change is okay:

Even though I had a “plan”, I was able to change it as the needs changed. It felt great to follow the Holy Spirit.

What a great week!


What I learned from running a VBS. Teamwork. (tweet this)

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  1. Enjoy your break Janis. VBS is a lot of work, but what a blessing and it truly does take teamwork. Thanks for the link-up.

  2. I love that you are ministering to children and being blessed by those you are working with and the truths you are teaching, and singing!

  3. There’s nothing like the teamwork that goes into an all-consuming ministry like VBS! It’s such a great picture of the body of Christ, with everyone doing what they do best. And the end result is that God is glorified!
    So glad that you had a good week, Janis!

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