Thorn in my Side
I have a certain person in my life who causes me grief on a regular basis. It seems in order for his day to be complete he must have conflict. If there is not conflict, then he creates it. And I seem to be his favourite target. (No, it’s not my husband!)
I refer to this person as the thorn in my side. He is a constant reminder to me that fear and anxiety are real feelings. Some days, I think that my life would be absolutely stress free without him and the problems he creates. However, through studying God’s Word, I have been able to see him in a different light. Although I do not enjoy the trials he puts me through, I have realized that because of these things I have come to rely more on God.
I find myself leaning on God’s wisdom and knowledge to help me reply to this man. I find myself praying for the Holy Spirit to fill me with peace when I must confront him. I find myself praying to God for forgiveness – the need to be forgiven for what I think and do, and the need to forgive this man. And recently, I find myself praying for this man. Jesus commanded that we pray for our enemies:
“But I tell you: Love your enemies and pray for those who persecute you” (Matthew 5:44 NIV).
I am truly learning what this means in my life.
Although this man causes me great sorrow and pain, it is through these actions that I have come closer to God. It is through his acts that I have developed a deeper relationship with my Lord. And although I don’t know that I can ever thank him for the anxiety and hurt, I am thankful that through this, I have come to know Jesus closer.
“Cast your cares on the LORD and He will sustain you” (Psalm 55:22 NIV).