Today we welcome Sheldon Newton. I found it very interesting how Christ pursued Sheldon until He knew without a doubt that Jesus is Lord. Please read how God has used Sheldon to further His Kingdom.
Thoughtful Thursdays – How to Live Victoriously for Christ
1. Tell me a little bit about your church background. How did you come to faith in Jesus?
I grew up in a single parent home with my mother, two sisters and one big brother and my mom made sure that we attended church whenever the church doors opened. As my mom describes it, she had left my father (her husband) because of abuse. The last straw was when he came in the room drunk and I was a baby crying in my crib. She said that he took me up and threw me against the wall. He did not like me because I was darker than my brother. (By the way, he was dark too.) This was when she made the firm choice to leave him.
As a young child I always felt so alone and misunderstood. So I stayed to myself a lot. We attended an Anglican church until my grandmother passed away, and then my mom moved us to a Baptist church not far from where we lived. It was while at the Baptist church that I came to understand the Good News, that God so loved me that He gave His only Son, the Lord Jesus Christ so that I would not perish and go to hell, but have everlasting life.
My oldest sister became friends with an out-standing Christian young lady who attended the church who truly loved Jesus. Her face literally glowed with His Presence and peace and I wanted that.
I came under great conviction but was afraid to walk to the altar when the call was given.
I remember that a week of revival services were held at the church and the conviction became greater. A dear old saint approached me and asked me if I was saved. I told her, “No,” and she encouraged me to go to the altar. I went at her coaching and was prayed for. At that time they did not lead us in a prayer to receive Christ. They simply prayed over us. But when I got home that evening I went on my knees and gave my life to the Lord Jesus Christ.
It is a decision I have never regretted and that has been over thirty years ago.
I was thirteen years old at the time.
2. When did your interest in writing start? Can you look back and see God working through and with you in your desire to write. If so, explain your thoughts.
Looking back I can clearly remember that I first began writing right after I gave my heart to Jesus. I found an old Bible which my brother used to use.
The Bible had no covers, but I treasured it for it contained God’s Word.
I had a very strong hunger to know God and to know His Word so I would read several chapters every day. As I read things would stand out to me and I would write notes in the corners of the Bible. As time went on I got a note pad and would literally write for hours as I studied the Scriptures.
The more I wrote the more would come to me and I really enjoy it.
I can see now that God was training and preparing me for being a Christian author. This is when it began. From writing on note pads and papers I went to writing on a computer and now a laptop. I wrote my first book on an old computer.
3. What is the best thing you have written? Describe it. Tell me why you think it is the best. (so far)
I personally believe that my best book chronicles what I learned about living for Christ so far and how to do so practically on a daily basis in victory. Believe me when I say it was and still is a learning process. The book I am referring to would be my fourth book, “How To Live The Christian Life Successfully…..Victoriously.” (Formerly True Spirituality & Be Ye Transformed)
I had been preaching and teaching God’s Word for about twenty years and a friend of our family asked me about writing a book that would share with people how to grow in their walk with Christ, I mean, how to live this life. She knew that I had been living for the Lord from my teens.
Many who had started to live for God had turned back to their old life.
She wanted me to share what I had learned so that it would serve as an encouragement to others and to do so in an instructional format where they could apply principles of the faith. Many people through the years wanted me to share with them on vital issues such as how to renew their minds, how to bring their body under subjection (this was a BIG ISSUE, and it still is), how to forgive, how to walk in love, how to know God intimately, how to know His Voice, how to better understand the Bible and how to meditate in the Scriptures, among other things.
I wrote this particular book in response to help people comprehend in a simple manner how to live for Christ victoriously.
Because I have actually had to walk the road myself and live these truths this book carries a very special place in my heart. It takes a person by the hand and leads him or her step by step into a closer and deeper walk with Christ. And people’s lives are being blessed and helped through it. Thank God.
4. How and when do you spend time with God? Do you have a favourite devotional? What version of Bible do you use the most?
I spend my time with God in His Word and in prayer in the mornings before I do anything else. I notice in the Bible that people who pursued God like King David sought God in the morning. I have noticed through these many years that if I put God first and begin my day with Him the rest of my day goes better. There have been times when I did other things and people first but my day did not go as planned and I found myself getting so busy and distracted that I neglected my time with Him and that was not a good feeling at all.
So I aim to be with Him in His Word and prayer in the mornings before I get to the other things I have to do.
To me it is still amazing to note that I get much more accomplished after my morning devotions. I mostly use the King James Version of the Bible. I just love the Old English. But I also use The Amplified Bible and some other translations when I desire to get more clarity of a particular passage of Scripture.
Feeding on His Word is a real delight to my soul.
I love reading His Word most of all. But I also read other books as well, most of them of the Christian genre, but some motivational and instructional books as well. I do not have a favorite devotional but I have books which I treasure such as: God’s Generals with Roberts Liardon and Ever-increasing Faith with Smith Wigglesworth.
5. What is your favorite scripture or scriptures and why? What is your thinking about memorizing Scripture? Do you have any tips for our readers on ways to memorize that work the best for you?
I treasure God’s Word and have several which I may say I love feasting upon in particular.
One of them is Isaiah 41:10 which says, “Fear thou not, for I am with thee; be not dismayed for I am thy God; I will strengthen thee; yea, I will help thee; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand of My righteousness.” I LOVE THAT. I mark it in every new Bible I get.
I also love Jeremiah 15:16 which says, “Thy words were found and I did eat them and thy word was unto me the joy and the rejoicing of my heart.”
I find meditation in His Word fun and sweet. The word, meditate means to mutter, ponder, muse and think upon. Early in my walk with God I learned to focus when I feed and study the Word. I aim not to get distracted and by meditating in the Scriptures daily the Word became a part of me.
I honestly have little to no problem remembering Scriptures.
Actually, from the time I gave my life to Jesus I could read a Scripture once and remember it. This is particularly true when I am teaching the Bible. Scriptures would come to me without any effort to remember them.
I believe in memorizing the Bible but without even doing so the Spirit of God brings them back to me continually.
It has been that way with me for over thirty years now. My encouragement to anyone who wants to remember Scripture more is to make time to read and ponder it on a daily basis. When the Word gets rooted deeply in your heart you will find His Word being a lamp to your feet and a light to your path showing you what to do, what to say and how to live. A major key is to feed upon the Word DAILY. That is vital.
I believe in memorizing the Bible but without even doing so the Spirit of God brings them back to me continually. (tweet this)
Sheldon Newton
Bishop Sheldon D. Newton is a pastor, international speaker, lecturer and teacher who has been sharing God’s Word for over thirty years.
He is on a mission to share the foundational and practical keys to successful and victorious living for Christ, through the application of Biblical Truths which transforms lives.
He is a noted author, and the senior pastor of Jesus Christ Centered Ministries, located in Nassau, Bahamas. His teachings on Kingdom living and the power of prayer will ignite you and enable you to live effectively and produce results in your personal, family and professional life.
Sheldon is the best-selling author of many books, including the 30 day life-changing devotional, My Name is Jealous; How To Pray & Get Results; How To Live The Christian Life Successfully….Victoriously; Diligence, The Master Key To Achieving Your Dreams; Refuse To Live The Common Life & Humility & the Honor Of God (which is hailed as a Christian Classic).
Sheldon lives in Nassau with his wife and two children.
His Links:
His books:
How To Live The Christian Life Successfully..Victoriously:
Diligence The Master Key To Achieving Your Dreams:
Winning the Battle For Your Mind:

Wonderful man of pastor, he lives what he preaches. I thank God for placing me in this ministry. There is life in the word.
It was a pleasure to post his interview. I can tell how much a man of faith he is. Thanks for dropping by.
Great interview!
Thanks Michele,