Wednesday’s Word – Aware
As I try to be more intentional of what God is showing me I know I have to be more aware of people; their body language, and their underlying words. I am trying to not be so agenda driven and trying to be more in tune with the Holy Spirit.
This is not easy. When I have “things to do”, “places to go” and “people to see” I want to do them.
I struggle with letting go.
But each day gets a little easier as I try to focus on what needs to be done in the time I have and let all the rest fade into Neverland. It is hard for a task-oriented person to say, “oh well I don’t have to do that”. But it is possible! With God’s help.
“If you are God-centered, you will adjust your life to what God wants to do” (Experiencing God, Henry Blackaby). Tweet this.
This is what I am learning from my Bible study. Blackaby states quite clearly that:
God can interrupt what I am doing anytime He wants. Tweet this.
But I have to be aware of it so I can change my focus and obey Him.
It is working with my husband, (I think). I am trying very hard not to be totally into my work all the time so that I can actually have time to listen to him. Well God wants me to do the same thing.
This week is a case in point. I was asked to do a storytelling for the Sunday school this past Sunday. Well – you know I had a zillion things to do already. When would I have time to concentrate and learn a story? But …. I said YES because I knew God gave me this opportunity to try this. And you know what? –
God gave me the time (He has control of time, you know);
He gave me the confidence; and He gave me the energy and passion.
I had a wonderful time.
So – are you focussed on your “stuff” or are you becoming aware of what God is doing – and following Him?
Today is Wednesday’s Word LINKUP.
If you have something you have learned from God, please share in the link below. If you are here for the first time please check out the Rules for Linking. Remember to leave a comment to at least the person ahead of you. We ALL need encouragement as we write for Him.
Comments are always welcome. Please see the list on my sidebar where I link with others to spread God’s Word.

It’s so easy to focus on our to-do lists… I’m practicing praying for focus when I’m using my time God’s way and for awareness of His prodding when He has something different for the moment — be it doing or listening. Thanks for the encouragement to keep at this!
Thanks for putting in your link. I am trying to be aware of His prodding but sometimes I still get off track.
Hi Janis! Yes, it is so important to be aware. Just this week I have had a situation where I purposely tried to really be careful about. I had to bring a situation to a friend’s attention — I needed to let her know about certain protocol with my work (which is in ministry), but didn’t want to offend her. I was very aware of the words I chose when I spoke with her. If I had been careless, I could have offended her. But because I slowed down, listened to that “still small voice”, I was able to follow His guidance and choose the right words. The way we interact with people either shines Christ’s light, or snuffs it out. I’m deliberately choosing to be aware of His leading!
Blessings to you!
Very encouraging to you and to me. Listening to God instead of being stuck on “me” – makes everything work out so much better.
Amen, Janis! If He calls us to it, He will see us through it, giving us the time, energy & resources we need. May we turn it all over to Him & follow His voice! Thanks for the great post & for hosting & God bless!
Now if only I could stand on what I say- and obey it. That’s the tough part.
Thank you for visiting me and reminding to be aware of and present with the blessed people I have in my life rather than living in my to-do lists which are constantly running through my head.
Have a lovely day!
You are most welcome. I love to visit blogs. And I am happy that I have made a small impact with my writing.
It made me think that I’d like to write a post about the way God can lead you to the right place at the right time, and put you beside people who need your encouragement and whose encouragement you need but my blog has a different emphasis! Sue
I have heard many stories about seeing what God has done in retrospect. One that really stuck was a young lad who couldn’t sleep for months – couldn’t understand why God wouldn’t answer his prayer. He later found out that during that time, because he was awake, he had communicated with a young woman online. His words to her that night had saved her from committing suicide.
Each blog has a different focus – as God is leading us to what He wants us to do.
WordPress very cleverly alerted me to this comment as well. Thanks for your reply in both places. Sue