Wednesday’s Word – Begin
I am beginning a new idea here on He Cares for You. I have added a Linky Tool at the bottom of this post. We’ll see what happens.
This week my word from God is BEGIN.
When we were born in the Spirit we began a new life. But did you know this isn’t a one time occurrence?
“Being born again from above is an enduring, perpetual, and eternal beginning.”
Are you being surprised every day? Are you being renewed every morning?
Begin afresh every day.
A number of years ago my first acronym in my walk with Christ was SMILE.
S – See
M – More
I – In
L – Life
E – Every day
How can we be in the light if we are NOT fresh and new each day?
Being born of the Spirit:
“gives us new vision and keeps us absolutely fresh for everything through the never-ending supply of the life of God.”
Are you ready to BEGIN?
Quotes today are taken from Oswald Chambers, January 20. The emphasis is mine.
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‘How can we be in the light if we are NOT fresh and new each day?” Why do we so often begin our day by picking up yesterdays garbage that should be put out on the curb. I get so much inspiration by His nature – the freshness announcing a new day. I am so over with hiding under my garbage bag!
Exactly – we need that time with God to be refreshed and ready to join God each day. There is no garbage anymore – that is in the past. Here is to today.
Blessings and thank you,
I love Oswald Chambers, & I love your acronym too! Thanks for the great post & for hosting, & God bless!
Thanks Laurie,
I read Oswald Chambers and Jesus Calling ever morning along with the Bible – such a great start to my day.