Who Invited You?

You Invited Who?

by Brenda Wood

Who invited you?

So Uncle Joe (or Aunt Martha or Cousin Peter) won’t be invited to the holiday party this year because of what they said about us at the last one.

I felt justified in such decisions until I read the following verses.

Also take no heed unto all words that are spoken; lest thou hear thy servant curse thee: for oftentimes also thine own heart knoweth that thou thyself likewise hast cursed others (Ecclesiastes 7:21-23, KJV).

And if you think the King James Version is a little foggy, try The Message on for size.

Don’t eavesdrop on the conversation of others. What if the gossip’s about you and you’d rather not hear it? You’ve done that a few times, haven’t you—said things behind someone’s back you wouldn’t say to his face (Ecclesiastes 7:21-23, MSG)?

I guess I have some praying, forgiving and inviting to do. (tweetable)

How about you?


Father God, we are just as guilty as the other guy. Sort out the differences between us and help us make amends. For Christ’s sake. Amen

Brenda J. Wood

A popular motivational speaker, Brenda, of Barrie, Ontario is known for her common sense wisdom, sense of humour and quirky comments. Brenda especially enjoys speaking at women’s retreats and conferences, community events, Mops, World Day of Prayer, and Stonecroft Ministries.

A prolific author, her current books include:

The Big Red Chair: a children’s book dealing with the loss of a grandparent.
Meeting Myself: Snippets from a Fractured Mind:  the author’s recovery from abuse and eating disorders.
Hearts Under Construction: A motivational cookbook designed to feed both body and soul
Heartfelt: 366 Devotions for Common Sense Living.
God, Gluttony and You: a Bible Study dealing with our relationship to food.
Read more at:
facebook – www.facebook.com/brendawoodspeaker



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