Word of God Speak – Linky Party
Today is the start of a new vision for my blog. God has been speaking into my heart more and more about not only being in the Word myself but encouraging others to do this as well. My Sunday Stillness name did not focus on that even though my posts did.
So today I have changed the name of the LINK to Word of God Speak. Each week I will look at one Scripture – just the way I did through my Titus study. I will use the SIMPLE Method of Study to discern what God wants me to learn today.
I will also be posting this link earlier in the weekend – 6:00 am EDT Or EST each Saturday depending on the time of year. This will give all my linkers 2 days of the weekend to link their posts. I hope this doesn’t lead to too much confusion. But if you read last week’s post you will know that my head has been full of ideas.
For the first Scripture I chose Luke 11:28 which has been my scripture for the new name for my blog – Growing Through God’s Word.
SIMPLE Method of Bible Study
S – Say the passage out loud:
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it (Luke 11:28, NIV).”
Jesus commented, “Even more blessed are those who hear God’s Word and guard it with their lives (Luke 11:28, The Message)!”
I – Find out all you can about the passage. When? Where? Why?
Other Scriptures from my Study Bible:
Hebrews 4:12 – For the word of God is alive and active. Sharper than any double-edged sword, it penetrates even to dividing soul and spirit, joints and marrow; it judges the thoughts and attitudes of the heart.
Proverbs 8:32 Now then, my children, listen to me;
blessed are those who keep my ways.
From Henry’s Concise Commentary are these words:
M- Make a list of thoughts, questions and ideas.
First thing I can think of is that everyone cannot understand the word of God. I hear that we must have our hearts, eyes and ears opened and be blessed. And at that time we can also learn to memorize Scripture.
My hope is that each week I will work on a Scripture for the week – memorizing it, a word at a time.
How can I encourage others to join me in memorizing Scripture?
How can I encourage others to read a Scripture and let God help them see what is important for them for the day?
P- Pray for God’s Guidance
This is a silent time of prayer, listening to God Speak.
L- Life – How can I apply what I have heard from God to my life?
This is the hardest but the best part. Actually taking the time to listen to God. What I heard today was how easy it is to write and speak about God’s Word but very hard to remember it and obey it.
I thought of all the times I had heard about watching my words – and then I do it again with my hubby – I get upset if he doesn’t understand me. Why? Because I want to get my way. I want to be clearly understood – never thinking that he wants the same thing.
So OBEY has been the word I heard clearly today.
What I learned today is not to just read, study, speak and write the Word of God – but obey it. (tweet this)
E- Exit with a prayer of confirmation and acceptance.
Lord God, I love how you teach me through Your Word. I love how this passage might tell me something entirely different another time. But for today, what I heard clearly was to obey Your Word. I heard to take it deep into my soul by memorizing it. I heard to make it part of who I am. Thank You for teaching me this today. In Jesus’ name. Amen
I hope you have enjoyed my first post on Word of God Speak. Once again here is the scripture I intend to memorize this week:
He replied, “Blessed rather are those who hear the word of God and obey it (Luke 11:28, NIV).”
I will leave you with a favourite worship song of the same name by Mercy Me.
Let’s memorize this Scripture together.
I sometimes link to:
Please link your posts about how God is speaking to you this week.

I like your new look! And I love how you are centering on God’s Word.
Thank you Carol,
Yes I needed to focus and this is where God is focusing me.
This is great, Janis! Thanks so much.
Glad you like it.
Love the new look,, Janis and the name change. That song is such a blessing. Thank you for the linkup and praying you have a blessed week ♥
Blessings to you as well. I haven’t had time to change all my social media yet but working on it.
Thank you for hosting!
Thanks for being a faithful linker.
Janis, all your changes are just beautiful. And I love the song by Mercy Me. I had not heard it in a very long time & it was a blessing this morning! Thank you for blessing us all week after week!
As the title for this linky day came to me – Word of God Speak, I started to hum their song. I love it as well. Thank you.
Janis, I LOVE all of the changes you’ve made, beautiful friend! And thank you so much for sharing such an awesome message! Grateful to visit and link-up with you, Love! GOD bless you! 🙂
What an encourager you are! Thank you. Working on listening to His Word.
You are most welcome, Lovely! GOD bless you! 🙂
Congratulations on your new look, new title, new direction! I love it! My guess is that watercolor in the header was done by you? It’s beautiful. I hope you’ll have a new button soon for us to put on our blogs.
Thanks so much Mary. Yes I have been praying for direction. Yes I did the watercolour header. Thx. I will work on a square picture – not sure if I can figure out a button again. The person that showed me a long time ago has disappeared from google.
Thank you for sharing this SIMPLE method! Thank you as well for being such a blessing each week.
Thanks Elizabeth,
Blessings to you
Thank you for sharing your method of Bible study. I think it helps to see what others do. We all benefit from spending more time in the Word, not just reading it, but meditating on it asking God what He wants us to learn. I believe the Holy Spirit will give us understanding as we seek to apply it to our lives.
You are most welcome. And yes as long as we spend time in the Word – seeking God’s Word and letting Him speak – that’s what I would like to see more of. I know I understand it now because the Holy Spirit dwells in me.
LOVE everything about the changes. I’ve copied the verse onto a “carry around” card.
And I especially like the earlier posting time!
Thank you for the encouragement. I have started a new Facebook Page where we will study the Scripture for the week, through various methods. And talk about what it means to us. Do you have a Facebook page or profile?