I would like to show you this week some of the watercolour pencil drawings I have painted in my Bible. Bible painting is something new to me.
Tag: Word of God Speak
10 Tips to Life and Peace
10 Tips to Life and Peace How do we find life and peace? I have been reading a devotional every morning from UCB Canada written by Bob and Debby Gass. Today’s thoughts were great and have been setting the tone for my sabbatical this summer and I felt a need to share them. Have a… Continue reading 10 Tips to Life and Peace
July Tweets Week5Blog Holiday
July Tweets Week5Blog Holiday Here are a few July Tweets. You can follow me at @AuthorJanisCox. Here is a little food for thought. I love reading and studying Oswald Chambers every morning. Feel free to retweet any of the following. The Sermon on the Mount is a statement of the life we will live when the… Continue reading July Tweets Week5Blog Holiday
Put in everything – Are You? linkup
Put in Everything – Are You? Word of God Speak Linkup While reading the 4th lesson in Lent my eye caught, “put in everything”. I am trying to remember that. I want to watch that I am ready to put in everything every day. S – Say the passage out loud: Check other versions. “I… Continue reading Put in everything – Are You? linkup
Word of God Speak – Linky – Have you found One Word for 2016?
Have you found your Word for 2016? Find out how Janis found hers and it might help you find yours. Linky too.
Hope Stream Radio Podcast – How Can you PACE yourself this Christmas?
Hope Stream Radio Podcast – How Can you PACE yourself this Christmas? Today on Hope Stream Radio I talk about How Can I Find Peace This Christmas? I also talk about everything hinging on your PACE. I have never been so confused with the order of the advent candles. When I researched it tonight it… Continue reading Hope Stream Radio Podcast – How Can you PACE yourself this Christmas?
Word of God Speak – Linky Party
Word of God Speak – Linky Party Today is the start of a new vision for my blog. God has been speaking into my heart more and more about not only being in the Word myself but encouraging others to do this as well. My Sunday Stillness name did not focus on that even though… Continue reading Word of God Speak – Linky Party