Am I Spinning My Wheels?
by Janis Cox

With all the snow up north this winter I thought about a time when I became very stuck in that white stuff.
As I went on a mission to find furniture for a group of refugees we worked with, I drove into a parking lot. The snow in the lot didn’t look very deep. However when I tried to back up, I became stuck.
I couldn’t go forward or backward – I kept spinning my wheels.
People came to help. I would put the car into low gear and then they would push. I would put the car into reverse and they would push from the front. I tried rocking the car back and forth using the gears. Nothing – the car kept spinning.
Suddenly I remembered my hubby’s words, “Don’t forget you have automatic traction on this car. If you have trouble on a hill, take off the traction.”
Well this wasn’t a hill but I needed to take off the auto track, because every time I would slip a little, the car automatically braked. I took off the auto track and with one push out I came.
Do we carry an auto tracking device? Do we spin our wheels?
I think we do. I think my auto track device keeps me from moving by keeping me doing the same old thing. I am going nowhere and spinning my wheels.
What keeps me from moving forward?
What keeps me from following my dreams?
What keeps me from following Jesus’ leading?
In the next few weeks I plan to share what I have been hearing from God for my own life and maybe what is keeping me from expanding my territory?
Satan always want to distract us from the work God wants us to do.
Have you noticed this? Do you have an auto traction device that keeps putting brakes on God’s plans for your life?
Let’s start a discussion either here in the comments or on Facebook or on Twitter.
Answer the question:
Are you spinning your wheels?
Let’s find out what auto track we have turned on that is keeping us from moving with God.
If you want God to move, sometimes you have to make a move. ~ Mark Batterson in The Circle Maker
But Mark also says this:
If you keep trying, you are not failing … God is honored when you don’t give up. ~ Mark Batterson in The Circle Maker
Lord, there is something holding me back from expanding my territory for Your glory. Show me what it is. Release it – if it is something that you need me to do. Take off the auto brakes. Help me to move forward and follow your plans and lead. In Jesus’ name. AMEN.
Do we carry an auto tracking device? Do we spin our wheels? (tweet this)
There should be nothing holding me back from fulfilling the plans you have for me. (tweet this)
What keeps me from following my dreams? What keeps me from following Jesus’ leading? (tweet this)
Here is one of my favourite praise songs. Holding Nothing Back by Jesus Culture.
Janis Cox
Janis, a former public school teacher and small business owner found a new passion in writing in her retirement. A believer since 2001 and a writer since 2003, Janis blogs at Growing Through God’s Word. She also podcasts on HopeStreamRadio once a week. She loves to paint and tap dance.
Janis is the author of the award winning children’s book, Tadeo Turtle, published by Word Alive Press. She is the author and watercolour illustrator. For more information visit Janis on her website, Facebook and Twitter. She is a member of The Word Guild and Inscribe Writers Fellowship.