Please welcome a new contributor to Under the Cover of Prayer, Joy Lenton.
Are You Running on Empty?
by Joy Lenton
A notice flashed across the screen, catching me off-guard in the midst of activity. A warning. Power low, battery at only 10% ~ oh dear! Puzzled, I gazed at the wire connected to my laptop as it had been for hours, gave it a tug, pulled it out and pushed it in again (very technical), jiggled it a bit and sighed as nothing changed on the display. So I did what I usually did when in doubt…and called my husband through.
He soon assessed the situation. I definitely had all the right wires in place, but I had failed to realise the plug had been inadvertently switched off. Oops!
And it made me I heed the warning signs of fatigue in my body signalling a need to rest and recharge?
Am I conscious of staying plugged in to The Source of all might, strength and power Himself?
Do I try to run on empty as I go through the day and neglect to refuel on His word in the same way I need to have regular meal breaks to sustain me?
How easy it is to lose track of God during our days, turn deaf ears to His voice, try to live by our own strength alone.
All may appear to be going swimmingly for a while, but we’re actually depriving ourselves of vital energy, nourishment and guidance to equip us to live life well and to the fullest.
Will you join me in seeking to pause and rectify that right now as we turn our thoughts again to God’s will and ways?
Dear Lord,
You have designed us to live in complete dependence on You, not to deprive us of any good thing but to ensure we have all the resources we need to live as You intend us to. Remind us to stay tuned to Your voice, to turn to You as each day begins and seek Your face. We know that time spent in Your Presence is never wasted.
Only You can fully equip and enable us to be ready for all that lies ahead.
Only You are able to offer all the energy, strength and wisdom we need.
Lead and guide us by Your word.
Grant us hearts that are hungry to hear from You.
Provide us with all that we need to also help, support and encourage others.
To Your praise and glory. Amen.
Am I conscious of staying plugged in to The Source of all might, strength and power Himself? (click to tweet)
How easy it is to lose track of God during our days, turn deaf ears to His voice. (click to tweet)
Joy Lenton is a grace-dweller and storyteller who weaves words out of the fabric of her days. Her desire is to seek the poetic in the prosaic and look for the eternal in the temporal.
As an M.E and chronic illness sufferer, who is also recovering from a painful past, she writes with a heart for the hurting and to support and encourage others who are struggling with life and faith issues.
She is a member of the Association of Christian Writers and Fellowship of Christian bloggers.
You can connect with her at her blogs, ‘Words of Joy’ or ‘Poetry Joy’, and on Twitter, Facebook, Google + or Pinterest.
Great reminder to take a moment and breathe. I’m constantly stuck in the distractions of the day, so I know it’s important to remember to take a time out and refocus on God. Thanks for again sharing such wise words! 🙂
How I need those reminders and Holy Spirit nudges too, Angela! Our days can be so full of distractions that we simply forget to make time to spend in God’s presence. But when we do, we come away refreshed and strengthened to continue our days. Thank you for letting me know this spoke to you. Blessings of peace to you 🙂
That sounds ideal, Carol! Mind if I join you? Though I find God often speaks to us in the seemingly “frittering away” type of moments too ~ such is His grace and desire to communicate with us. Bless you for reading and responding. 🙂 x
ok Joy, so i have been “frittering away ” my time as my mom used to say…I am taking a cup of coffee up to my office and spend a bit of time being ;plugged in!