Cherry Warrick writes as Pursuing Heart and is our guest blogger today. We have reprinted this post from February with her permission.
by Cherry Warrick
When in need of wisdom, ask. It’s as simple as that. But how often we miss the obvious.
“If you need wisdom, ask our generous God,and He will give it to you.He will not rebuke you for asking.”(James 1:5)
Keep asking, over and over again. Why? He already knows what we need. But He tells us to ask; He wants us to ask.
“The King of the universe wants a real, live relationship with us. …He wants us – frail mortal creatures – to connect with Himand communicate with Him as the dearest relationship in human existence.He rejoices to hear our voices.He delights to be our sole and holy source for all things in life.”(Beth Moore, James: Mercy Triumphs)
The one condition to our asking –
“But when you ask Him,be sure that your faith is in God alone.”(James 1:6a)