Can I Joy Dare You? – Week 16
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As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. A wonderful week searching and looking. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
Can I Joy Dare You? #1000Gifts. (Tweet this)
April 15 ~ gift in a bag; in a box; a book
- a bag ~ finally got over to Bracebridge to buy some needed items – put them in a bag
- a box ~ also bought a new set of dishes – ours were over 20 years old and my hubby getting very tired of them
- a book ~ bought another Jesus Calling – left my other one in Arizona
April 16 ~ 3 hard Eucharisteos
Didn’t really want to read this one today. It is my birthday. Is that a hard Eucharisteo? – not really. I am a year old but much wiser and closer to God.
- my brother-in-law is still in the hospital
- my youngest daughter’s 1 year old has a fever
- I didn’t feel well during the night
April 17 ~ 3 gifts woven together
- this one was fun as today three women of faith met together to discuss our blog Family and Faith Matters – as we seek to feed God’s sheep. We have become woven together into a strong cord – thank You, Lord

April 18 ~ 3 gifts inherited
- there are some artists in my family – so maybe I inherited that gift
- Psalm 33:12 “Blessed is the nation whose God is the Lord,
- the people he chose for his inheritance.”
- Micah 7:14 “Shepherd your people with your staff,
- the flock of your inheritance,”
April 19 ~ 3 gifts square
- very grateful to have a square meal when we are running late – leftovers
- we bought square dishes this time – I like them
- sometimes we get “boxed in” to do something one way – but getting out of that box can mean freedom. I pray that I may be aware when God moves so that I don’t stay in a box
April 20 ~ a gifts stacked; a gift stored; a gift stilled
- stacked ~ our new Bible Study – Wonderstruck. Our books are stacked and ready for Wednesday
- stored ~ We really don’t store many things – except my artwork and art supplies and those are totally appreciated
- stilled ~ Sunday Stillness, every Sunday I post a Scripture or Saying and a picture
April 21 ~ 3 gifts found in Christ
I found these Scriptures spoke to me this week:
“The God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet.
The grace of our Lord Jesus be with you.”
“But if Christ is in you, then even though your body is subject to death because of sin,
the Spirit gives life because of righteousness.”
“that is, that you and I may be mutually encouraged by each other’s faith.”

Janis, I enjoyed reading your gratitude list! And how fun to get new dishes after 20 years – and I understand about needing to buy another Jesus Calling book. So valuable to read the daily readings in that encouraging book.
Yes my hubby just couldn’t take the dishes any longer.. Very tired of them and they were changing colour. lol:)
And I love starting my day with Jesus Calling.
Hi Janis!
At your invitation I have come over to link up. When do the Sunday Stillness and Joy Dare link parties go live? I’d like to make a note in my diary so I don’t miss them. Thank you again!
Thanks Diane,
Sunday Stillness tries to go live late on Saturday night. Wednesday’s Word goes live late on Tuesday night. At the beginning of each month I open a link for Can I Joy Dare You?