Can I Joy Dare You? Week 30
Butterfly Batik Watercolour by Janis Cox
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As I continue to count the gifts I feel like I have been on a scavenger hunt seeking new things. Thanks so much to Ann Voskamp for leading this journey.
Last week I attended a full week art course at Haliburton School of the Arts. It was called Experimental Watercolour by Kal Honey.
Kal pushed us; he pulled us; he told us to stop thinking and just paint; he told us to forget about the product and just work with the process.
My head is full. I want to paint but my computer calls. On Monday I did take time to play, and explore my paints. Fun.
Here is my list from this week:
July 24 ~ 3 gifts sand
- I recall a cute statement from my granddaughter while walking around our roads in early summer. “These roads look like the beach, grandma.” Our roads were still covered with winter sand.
- sandpainting: Something that I must try for Creative Saturdays
- I love building castles, moats, digging holes and just the feel of wet sand through my fingers and toes
July 25 ~ 3 gifts endings
- on this day I am at the 1/2 way point of my art class – hard work, but I don’t like endings
- when is a piece of art work finished – we talked about “endings” in our art class
- Jesus knew when His time was ending on earth. And He knew it was accomplished when He said, “It is finished”.
July 26 ~ 3 gifts fresh
- today is a new start – a promise of diversity in my art, in my life – less computer time and more living
- fresh look at myself – I needed this week taking my art course to know that somehow I could take 40 hours from my regular week and still get my posts up, cook dinners, and even go for a boat ride
- Jesus renews me every morning so I can start each day fresh
July 27 ~ a gift on vacation, at home, in relaxation
- vacation: I am looking forward to our trip to Poland in the fall

- at home: I am putting my art supplies into a meaningful order
- relaxation: taking a few days to reflect after a very full intensive week
July 28 ~ 3 gifts beginnings
- a new painting outlook – fun!

- reorganizing my writing plan
- on a steering committee for a new outreach for Haliburton
July 29 ~ 3 gifts together
- we have great fun together at my daughter’s and son-in-law’s trailer
- I love how our family works and plays together
- my hubby and I have been together for 42 years (married) but have known each other for 45 years
July 30 ~ 3 gifts heard
- the sounds of laughter at the park and the Farmer’s Market
- words of encouragement about my watercolour batik cards by Janis Cox

- crying at the park – a child who obviously couldn’t express what was bothering him – are we listening to our children?

Thanks for sharing your beautiful artwork & for visiting me at Doorkeeper. Blessings!