Can Prayer be a Single Word?
Anyone who knows me, knows I like to talk . . . and talk and talk and talk. I do try to speak only when I have something I feel will add to the conversation – most times, at least.
However, words often seem inadequate when approaching the Throne of Grace. What can I tell the Almighty that He doesn’t already know? What can I ask of Him that He does not already know I need? What eloquence can I use to impress the Creator of all that exists?
Though scripture after scripture urges us to pray without ceasing and persevere in our asking, sometimes the best approach is simply to summarize our heart’s cry.
Below is a list of one-word prayers that sums up how I’ve felt at different times.
Several times a day, the following two words should emerge from my lips . . .
Thank You
And finally, another two words that are meant as 100 percent submission to His will and His ways . . . In saying them, attitude is everything.
Whatever, Lord
This week the topic of persistence in prayer seems to keep reoccurring. Here are a few more articles about being persistent in prayer.
Widow – Speak by Rev. Harry Morgan (a video)
Persistent Pray-ers by Violet Nesdoly
Steph Beth Nickel
Steph Beth is a wife of over 30 years and the mother of three grown children. Steph’s eclectic interests include writing, editing, fitness, and childbirth (she is also a labour doula).
Steph’s was honoured to co-author former Paralympian Deb Willows’ memoir. Living Beyond My Circumstances is scheduled for release at the end of November 2013.
Steph edits for Christian Editing Services under the leadership of Karen Burkett. She is a long-time member of The Word Guild and a recent member of InScribe Christian Writers’ Fellowship.
Steph blogs at Steph’s Electic Interests. Her new author website, Steph Beth Nickel , is a work-in-progress.

Sometimes we can pack a lot more meaning into the one-word prayers than into the long ones. Thanks for this encouragement to be intentional about our prayers, be they short or longer.
Intentional . . . That is such a good word, Janet. No matter what we’re doing or how busy we are, we can be intentional about our prayers – even the extremely brief one. Bless you, my friend.