Creation Story – do you believe?
Today I look at the creation story. It amazes me how God puts circumstances into my path for me to follow and learn.
This is a reworking of a post I had from 2012.
When I first heard the word “story” I thought of the story of my week at V.I.B.E. (Vacation Bible School). It was quite a story.
We had 23 children; lots of fun; great weather; wonderful leaders and volunteers. We talked about God and His story. We learned we are unique and loved by Him. We learned the Lord’s Prayer. We had fun with each other.
I survived!
Then on Sunday our minister, Harry Morgan, preached about the Creation Story.
Harry started with a great description of a giraffe and told us many interesting facts that I did not know:
- a giraffe’s neck can be 500 pounds
- a giraffe has a spring like thing connecting his head to his body, so he can lift his head quickly.
- he does not get dizzy because of a system of veins and arteries with stop gates Here is the scientific wording:
“But the giraffe was engineered with reinforced artery walls, anti-pooling valves, a web of small blood vessels and pressure-sensing nerves that assure an adequate blood flow to the brain at just the right pressure. Creation Ministry.
Later in the sermon he talked about honeycomb and bees.

Harry talked about the special dance that bees do to explain where to find the best nectar field.
“To identify the location of a food source too distant from the hive to be smelled or seen by the other bees, the scout does a dance on the honeycomb inside the hive” Creation Ministries .
Here are my take aways:
- the creation story IS foundational to our belief in Jesus. (tweet this)
- We know that Creation was an event
- Creation is a core teaching – foundational to our belief
- Scriptures are consistent on this matter from Old Testament through to the end of the New Testament.
“For since the creation of the world God’s invisible qualities—his eternal power and divine nature—have been clearly seen, being understood from what has been made, so that people are without excuse” (Romans 1:20 NIV).
I know I can believe the creation story – what the Bible says.
There is evidence of a wise Creator – a Designer and we need to answer to Him. May the Holy Spirit continue to show me more and more of God and Jesus.
Two Stories on the same day- both about life and God.

Because we are created we have eternal value and we are precious to God and loved deeply by Him. These basic concepts of our value fly in the face of euthanasia, abortion, suicide, and many other destructive acts that our Government is supporting and promoting right now. We are Loved by our Amazing Creator!
That is certainly true. Please drop back to the post to see the picture that didn’t get posted as the post went to subscribers before I had finished it. I think you will like it.
All creations tell the story of our mighty God and he is alive!!!
I totally agree – if we have eyes to see we can be assured that God is our Creator. The sermon yesterday just made it so clear – giving us other ways to speak to unbelievers and show them so they too can believe in a loving Creator.
Blessings and thanks for dropping by,